Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why do we buy beds??

Christian has been in his toddler bed for three nights now and not once has he woke up IN his bed, all three mornings, he has been on the floor. He always been sound asleep in his bed when I go to bed, so I don't quite know what is going on. I think we are going to set up a video camera tonight. 
I don't think he is falling out either, he still has the same blanket on top of him as the night before. Today he was laying in front of his dresser.

I'm not sure if he is doing this on purpose or if he is really taking after Courtney! 

Courtney loves to sleep anywhere but her bed. She looks forward to Friday nights, so she and Megan can have a slumber party on the floor. She has always been like this and it's a little quirk of hers.

Why do we buy our children beds when they are perfectly happy to sleep on the floor???

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