Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Today is registration day for swimming lessons.

I could've registered online at midnight last night, but forgot about it. Matt was leaving this morning for Des Moines, so my mind was on that.

Until 7:30 this morning when I woke up. I thought, "It's Tuesday, I better register for lessons." It's a first come, first serve basis.

I had two different times picked out for lessons. They are free with our gym membership, so we might as well do them.

I registered for Saturday morning at 10:45, both girls at the same time. We did this is the fall and it worked out pretty good. I got an email back that said both girls were on standby. NO!!

So, I tried my second option. Courtney Tuesday nights at 4:15 and Megan Tuesday nights at 5. I got in!! This won't work as well at Saturday mornings, first, because both girls are not at the same time, lessons only go for a half an hour, so I will have a 15 minute break between the two girls. I also give piano lessons on Tuesday nights, so we would need to rush home to eat before my lessons come over. Again, ideal situation, no, but better than any other option.

The good part of this though is that during the winter, it will give me a chance to get out on a Tuesday. I usually stay home during the day now and catch up on things around the house and I really need that time!! (I didn't stay home last Tuesday or Thursday and by Saturday, the house was out of control!!) But this way, when we're stuck at home during the winter, we have an excuse to get out!

I guess we will see how it works, if not, we can pull out...maybe.

They are also starting gymnastics at the gym this semester, but those times were Monday from 6-7 or Saturday mornings from 9-10. Yikes, I don't want another evening taken up (Tuesday, Wedneday, and Thursday have things going on) and I really don't want to be at the gym by 9 am on a Saturday. That is our only day to really get up as a family and eat breakfast together. Courtney has been begging me to take gymnastics though, so I guess we will see what works out. Gymastics were not free either, but dirt cheap. $35 for 10 45minute sessions. $20 for the second child and yes, Megan wants to take them too.

Oh and I can't forget swim team either this semester. Those practices are Tuesdays from 7-8 (when I give piano lessons) and Saturday mornings from 9-10! Not doing that either!

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