Friday, June 17, 2011

Thoughts on a late Friday night

1. Why must there be fireworks already? really? And yes, this is my least favorite holiday of the entire year. If you know me well, you know I don't like loud noises. Hence why I don't like the fourth of July.

2. Christian's neurons are connecting so much lately, it is so much fun to watch! He is doing things these last couple of days that he has not done before. He is beginning to know more words like ball, truck, car, chair, eat, drink in addition to those he already knew. Tonight I asked him if he wanted some "milk" (to nurse) and he went over and got the pillow. (I always use a pillow when I feed him.) I was amazed that he put that together!

3. I'm not sure if he's got a low immune system or not, but he got his chicken pox vaccine on Monday and he's breaking out in spots already. It may be bug bites too, so I am going to watch him. I hope it's not chicken pox because we have a weekend full of plans!

4. I love having my girls home together! They entertain each other sooo well, except when they are fighting. I will even come into the playroom to play with them and they will say, "Mommy, you can be in here, but don't talk to us" or they will leave and go to another room to play. Thanks girls. :)

5. Christian got his first haircut yesterday. It's pretty cute now. He didn't get a buzz cut like Matt wanted, but he did get a lot cut off. He's probably cooler now with all his hair gone.

6. Matt bought a new computer last week, so I inherted his old one, which is a 100 times faster than the one I had! Seriously, sometimes it would take me 10 minutes to write an email! This new one is super-fast, but of course, I have to figure out how to use Windows 7 and get it all set back up again. Ugh. I will get there...

7. It feels like summer just started, but I feel like we're already counting down until school starts again in August. I think we have something planned for about every weekend until then. That is just crazy! Millard should give these kids a longer summer!

8. Even though it's half way through June already, we still don't have our camper or jetskis out of winter storage. Terrible, isn't it? We were gone on vacation last weekend and like I said, we have something planned for almost every weekend. Matt and I have also agreed that camping for two days is just not worth all the work. When we go out this summer (if we ever do), we want to stay for at least 3-4 days. It's too much work with 3 kids!!

9. I joined a gym at the end of May and we have been using it a lot! They have an indoor and outdoor pool, so we can use those anytime we want. The girls are also enrolled in swimming lessons and Megan is in ballet, so we are attending those this summer. I would like to stay a member in the fall, but it's too expensive for all the kids. Maybe I will just make Christian and myself members- I love exercising and I think it's a great break for all of us!

10. I really didn't mean to get to number 10, but I did! How about a great kudos to all those dads out there as we celebrate Father's Day this weekend? Tonight Courtney and Megan were talking about all the things Matt does for them, unprompted too. "He works so we can eat, he buys us food, he takes care of us, etc." It was sweet hearing them say things like that, they are getting it! Happy Father's Day!

PS- Why is is 10:25 and Megan just came into give me ANOTHER kiss and hug? Go to bed already!!

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