Sunday, April 24, 2011

To nap or not to nap?

It has been apparent to me these last few days that how much sleep Christian gets during the day correlates to his bedtime. Maybe he's been like this all along, but I've just noticed it more this weekend.

For example, yesterday (Saturday), he was up at 6:30 am. Not very nice of him to get up so early on a Saturday. :( Anyway, no morning nap and then I took Megan to dance and let him home with Matt. While we were gone, he slept an hour on Matt's shoulder while he played the Wii. When I got home, he was awake and ready to go for the afternoon. He stayed awake until about 8 pm. By then, he was ready to crash! I nursed him and he was in bed by 8:30.

Today is a completely different story. He was up at 6:30 again, so he slept 10 hours. He was still tired when he woke up, so I knew he was going to take a morning nap. He fell asleep on the way to church at 9:30. When we got there, he woke up and he spent the next hour in the nursery. When I went and got him, he was giving me the "I'm really tired" cry, so I took him out to the car and buckled him in. Within 5 minutes of leaving church, he was out again. This was about 11:15.
We had to go to Lincoln today, but we had to go home first to get some things and change clothes. When we got home, we just let Christian sleep in the car. Twenty minutes later, we were back on the road. He did not wake up until we pulled into Lincoln at about 12:45. He slept about an 1 1/2 hours. Wonderful. :)

He was great at great-grandma's house, but by about 5, he was ready for another nap. We got in the car about 5:30 and before we were out of Lincoln, he was asleep again. He slept until we pulled into the garage at about 6:15-6:30.

Right now, it is 10 pm and he is still wide awake and crawling around everywhere!

Do I prefer one short nap during the day and an early bedtime OR two or three naps and then he's up until 10 pm??? I'm not sure!!

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