Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another set of tears...

Every morning when Megan leaves for school, Courtney always races over to give her a hug and a kiss (I hope this never ends!). Well this morning, Courtney came running down the stairs and Megan met her to get a hug.

But this morning, Courtney did something she doesn't usually do. When she gave Megan a hug, she also picked up her feet and wrapped those around Megan! Unfortunately, Megan couldn't handle the weight, they bonked heads, and fell backwards against the wall.

Megan is crying, Courtney is crying and it's time to send Megan out to the bus stop! Megan was holding her head, so I think she got hurt when they hit each other. I think Courtney just felt terrible!

I hate to send Megan to school crying, but she can't miss the bus. I made her give me a big smile as she ran down the driveway. Hopefully she's doing fine. Courtney is fine now too, but let's not do that again!

1 comment:

  1. It is so sweet that they love each other so very much....sorry about the banging of head though
    Love and hugs to you all....
