Thursday, February 24, 2011


I figured out today why I am not blogging so much lately. The answer is Christian!!!

Since he is now army crawling, I can't take my eyes off of him for two seconds! When I sit down here to blog, it better not take long because he is going to get into something he shouldn't!

I usually just have him on my lap when I check my email/ facebook, but that doesn't usually last long because he will he start to reach for things on my desk. So then I put him on the floor, but again, he starts going after the cords under my computer desk, the stack of tissue paper in the corner, the little scrap of paper on the floor, etc. I usually just give up and take him to another room.

If you think I'm behind on blogging, you should see my house!! Yikes!!

1 comment:

  1. That’s okay Charla. I’ve been doing laundry since last Wednesday. I’m still not done!
