Megan- I was going to take her to school, but I didn't want her to have a "tardy" on her record, so she bundled up and I put her on the bus.
Courtney- Right now she is begging me to go get the mail. Why? Because she loves opening all the junk mail. It's her thing lately. Even in 1 degree weather.
Christian- Back to the doctor yesterday. His urine came back normal and he gained another 6 oz., we are up to 18 lbs. 7 oz. now! I think we can check his urine in a month again, we'll be doing this for about 3 years or so!
It's so funny right now, Courtney is pushing Christian around in the dump truck. They are both laughing. It's so funny to see how the girls play differently with Christian. Megan loves to tickle him and get right in his face, but Courtney just likes to make him laugh. They both love him!
Love this picture! He is not going to fit in that truck much longer!!!