These are in no certain order!
I love Megan's shirt- it represents two things she loves: Jesus and dancing!
(Honestly, she wore this shirt and sweatpants around the house yesterday, it was wierd seeing her without a dress on!)

Destructo Christian coming out again! We have to eat our toy basket!

Megan and Courtney earn nickels for doing their chores. Megan decided to make a person out of her nickels one night and just HAD to take a picture of her creation!

Christian in Elmo pajamas. These were Megan's favorite pajamas when she was a baby, so I had to pull them out and put them on Christian!

Christian pulls himself up on everything that he can. His toy piano is very easy for him to pull himself up, he can even stand one handed!

Courtney: If you ever want to find her anywhere, look under a blanket. She loves hiding and then you need to come find her. Here she is hiding under a blanket, under the piano bench.

All three children playing together!! They were playing Little People in Christian's room.

The end!
Cute pictures Charla!