Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Ok, I was going to do this yesterday, but didn't get there. :)

1. I LOVE it that Christian can feed himself now. Next time I am at the store, I am going to buy a big bag of cheerios! It sure helps out a lot that he can eat solids! I can just give him some food to occupy him for a little bit while I get something done or I can actually eat during our meals now!

2. He can also pick up a sippy cup and drink out of that too! LOVE it!

3. Two snow days in a row. The girls occupy themselves all day and I take care of Christian. I don't have to feel guilty for not playing with Courtney because Megan occupies her! I do stop and check in on them once in awhile.

4. Yesterday I decided to make popcorn whle we were watching a movie, so I got some out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave. I hit the "popcorn" button and let it be. I heard it pop and thought, "it will shut off when it's done" so I let it be. Soon Megan says, "Mom, look!" and there was steam coming out of the microwave while it was still on! Yes, I burned the popcorn, no wait, not just burned, I scorched it! I had to open the windows and turn on the fan and our house still smelled like burnt popcorn hours later!

5. My teeth are bothering me again. Cold, chewing hard things on the same side where I had my root canal done two months ago. I don't know if I did something or what, my jaw hurts too. Seriously, can we just solve all this and get done with it! I'm waiting for the dentist to call me back. I have also had a sore throat the last two mornings, I wonder if it is all related.

6. Since we've been home since about last Friday, I have really saved us money (and the environment) by not using disposable diapers. I use cloth at home and only use disposables at night! I love not having to buy diapers every time I go to Wal-Mart!

7. I have also watched more TV than usual lately. Courtney loves "Rachael Ray", she calls it the "Cooking show" because they always cook at the end. Well, I'm starting to like the beginning part when she has guests on. Since we've been home, I've sat down and watched it. Yes, bad, I know.

8. Christian has really been developing lately. He can army crawl, reach about 2 feet away, and pull himself up on things. He is also eating more and gaining weight again. He is also understanding sign language. He knows "Milk" really well and we're working on "more" at the dinner table. I'm not sure what we'll do next. He loves to make all kinds of noises lately too!
(He is growling at me as I type this!)

9. Today is bath day. Do you think I will be able to pull Megan and Courtney out of Barbie world to take a bath. I think so.

10. Finally, there is no hope of getting out today. My only hope has been cancelled. Our church is not having AWANA tonight! Maybe we can get out for supper. :) I'm pretty sure they will have school tomorow and I have a MOMS Club meeting at 9:30 am, so that is my next scheduled activity! I can't wait!!

Ok, off to get kids in the tub! My rule is that everyone needs to get through the shower, hair and teeth brushed by lunchtime, including myself.

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