After being diagnosed with post-partum thyroiditis last October, the endocronologist decided to put me on a thyroid replacement for six months. I started out hyper-throid and then I went to hypo-thyroid and that is why I was on replacement medicine.
I was have trouble with my milk supply since I am breastfeeding and my doctor said this would help stabilize my thyroid levels, which it did, but lately, I have noticed that my jeans were a little loose, I was nervous about everything, and little bit irritable. I was also having heart palpatations again. These were the signs I started with back in October of hyper-thyroidism.
Last week, I called my endocronoligist and talked to the nurse about what was going on. In post-partum thyroiditis, you swing one way (hyper-thryoid), then swing the other way (hypo-thyroid), and then you eventually level out. I was concerned that maybe I had leveled out on my own and this thyroid replacement was pushing my numbers into the hyper range.
I was right! I went and got my blood tested on Friday and got the results back today. I have a high thyroid level! So after talking withe the endocronologist, I am going to go off my thyroid replacement medicine. She said I was on too high of a dose (this is not the original doctor that put me on the medicine). The doctor wants me to get my blood checked again in a month and see where I am!
I will probably feel better in a couple weeks or so. I am glad I don't have to take it because I had to take it at least an half an hour before I ate in the morning and I wouldn't always take it in time. :) But it did help me feel better and Christian finally put on some weight.
So no more medicine for me and we will just see how I feel for the next month!
(Have you ever tried to blog while keeping a 8 1/2 month old away from the cords underneath your computer desk??? I just did!)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Addendum to previous post
I have to add to my previous post.
PPS I will not touch matt's bathroom in the basement- he is on his own for that one!
(Until it becomes a family area down there, then I may consider it.)
So therefore, I only have one left to clean. :)
PPS I will not touch matt's bathroom in the basement- he is on his own for that one!
(Until it becomes a family area down there, then I may consider it.)
So therefore, I only have one left to clean. :)
What is wrong with me??
I just deep-cleaned two bathrooms in my house (only 2 to go!).
Why in the world did I do that??? I don't really like cleaning bathrooms!
1. It was getting to me. They were messy and dirty. They needed to be cleaned.
2. Christian was sleeping and Courtney was having "quiet time", so why not?
Ahh, I feel like I got something accomplished today!
PS As soon as the girls are able, they WILL be cleaning thier own bathroom!
Why in the world did I do that??? I don't really like cleaning bathrooms!
1. It was getting to me. They were messy and dirty. They needed to be cleaned.
2. Christian was sleeping and Courtney was having "quiet time", so why not?
Ahh, I feel like I got something accomplished today!
PS As soon as the girls are able, they WILL be cleaning thier own bathroom!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Stress-free Sunday Mornings!
Things have changed around here to make Sunday mornings more stree-free.
For the last few years, we have always had a goal of leaving our house by 10 am to get to church, get kids to Sunday School, and then Matt and I get to the sanctuary by 10:30 for church to start.
We have always given the kids (plus ourselves) showers/ baths on Sunday mornings and it seemed to work. We had a system and we were always ready by 10.
Until Christian came along.
Now we had to get three kids plus two adults through the showers/ bath and to leave by 10. (Actually about 6 months ago, they moved the time that church starts to 10:45, so our new time to leave was 10:15).
Our problem was that we were always running late. I was running around at the last minute trying to finish getting the kids ready, packing the diaper bag, and getting myself ready. (Matt said we would be on time if I would just get up earlier to get everyone started, but who wants to do that? not me!)
Then I had a great plan- let's shower/bathe the kids on Saturday mornings!!
Ahhh, what a remarkable idea that was!! I cannot tell you how less-stressful Sunday mornings are. The girls just go to their rooms and get dressed. I get Christian dressed and we are all ready to go by 10. We actually have time to relax before heading out the door! It just makes the whole day go better!! I think we will stick with this plan for awhile!
For the last few years, we have always had a goal of leaving our house by 10 am to get to church, get kids to Sunday School, and then Matt and I get to the sanctuary by 10:30 for church to start.
We have always given the kids (plus ourselves) showers/ baths on Sunday mornings and it seemed to work. We had a system and we were always ready by 10.
Until Christian came along.
Now we had to get three kids plus two adults through the showers/ bath and to leave by 10. (Actually about 6 months ago, they moved the time that church starts to 10:45, so our new time to leave was 10:15).
Our problem was that we were always running late. I was running around at the last minute trying to finish getting the kids ready, packing the diaper bag, and getting myself ready. (Matt said we would be on time if I would just get up earlier to get everyone started, but who wants to do that? not me!)
Then I had a great plan- let's shower/bathe the kids on Saturday mornings!!
Ahhh, what a remarkable idea that was!! I cannot tell you how less-stressful Sunday mornings are. The girls just go to their rooms and get dressed. I get Christian dressed and we are all ready to go by 10. We actually have time to relax before heading out the door! It just makes the whole day go better!! I think we will stick with this plan for awhile!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Purple Blanket, where are you??
Every night Courtney has to sleep with the cherished purple blanket.
Tonight we couldn't find it. For about 15 minutes. And she had it just moments before.
This girl will NOT go to bed without it! (She always takes it in the car too, but she can live without it in the car once in awhile.)
Lo and behold, we found it in her room, but she was almost in tears right before it appeared!
One night, she put it in the snack drawer and we searched and searched and searched and she went to bed in tears. She found it the next morning when she went to get a snack, so tonight she said, "Let's check the snack drawer. Nope, not in there."
Tonight we couldn't find it. For about 15 minutes. And she had it just moments before.
This girl will NOT go to bed without it! (She always takes it in the car too, but she can live without it in the car once in awhile.)
Lo and behold, we found it in her room, but she was almost in tears right before it appeared!
One night, she put it in the snack drawer and we searched and searched and searched and she went to bed in tears. She found it the next morning when she went to get a snack, so tonight she said, "Let's check the snack drawer. Nope, not in there."
Up already?
I usually complain about getting up at 7 am on a Saturday. Really, Saturdays are made for sleeping in and it's the only day I get to sleep in and not have to get anybody out the door.
But when I got to bed at 10:15 last night and Christian was in bed by 8:30 (early for both of us), we are both awake and refreshed by 7 am! Crazy!
If he is up by 7:15 during the week, it is good because then he is ready for a nap by 9:30 and we have a great schedule for the day. I usually don't let him sleep in! It took me 6 months to get this far, we had of lack of sleep/ lack of good schedule for so long, I'm not going to ruin this! (Usually on Saturdays, I get him up, feed him, take him to dad, and go back to bed!)
But when I got to bed at 10:15 last night and Christian was in bed by 8:30 (early for both of us), we are both awake and refreshed by 7 am! Crazy!
If he is up by 7:15 during the week, it is good because then he is ready for a nap by 9:30 and we have a great schedule for the day. I usually don't let him sleep in! It took me 6 months to get this far, we had of lack of sleep/ lack of good schedule for so long, I'm not going to ruin this! (Usually on Saturdays, I get him up, feed him, take him to dad, and go back to bed!)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I figured out today why I am not blogging so much lately. The answer is Christian!!!
Since he is now army crawling, I can't take my eyes off of him for two seconds! When I sit down here to blog, it better not take long because he is going to get into something he shouldn't!
I usually just have him on my lap when I check my email/ facebook, but that doesn't usually last long because he will he start to reach for things on my desk. So then I put him on the floor, but again, he starts going after the cords under my computer desk, the stack of tissue paper in the corner, the little scrap of paper on the floor, etc. I usually just give up and take him to another room.
If you think I'm behind on blogging, you should see my house!! Yikes!!
Since he is now army crawling, I can't take my eyes off of him for two seconds! When I sit down here to blog, it better not take long because he is going to get into something he shouldn't!
I usually just have him on my lap when I check my email/ facebook, but that doesn't usually last long because he will he start to reach for things on my desk. So then I put him on the floor, but again, he starts going after the cords under my computer desk, the stack of tissue paper in the corner, the little scrap of paper on the floor, etc. I usually just give up and take him to another room.
If you think I'm behind on blogging, you should see my house!! Yikes!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Dead Battery?
The girls and I got out this afternoon. We met some friends at the mall and played awhile. I had an appointment at 4:30 with the chirpractor, so I had it all timed perfectly.
We left the mall about 3:45 so I could sit in the car and nurse Christian and then put him in his carseat so he would stay napping at the chiropractor. It got to be about 4:05 and we were getting cold sitting there, so reached up front to turn on the van. "Click, click, click." I said, "Girls, be quiet, the van doesn't sound right." They were quiet and I tried again, "click, click, click."
So I go and call Matt and he says, "It's your battery. Go into Sears (I was outside of Sears at Oakview) and ask them if they will jump start it for you. Then call your chirpractor and change your appointment because I want you to take the van straight home."
So I did. Sears was very gracious and two people jump-started it and didn't even charge me! I changed my appointment until tomorrow and now I'm at home. Matt was going to pick up a new battery on his way home and get it changed yet tonight.
Kind of an interesting twist to the day, I guess the mall would not be the worst place to have car problems. :)
We left the mall about 3:45 so I could sit in the car and nurse Christian and then put him in his carseat so he would stay napping at the chiropractor. It got to be about 4:05 and we were getting cold sitting there, so reached up front to turn on the van. "Click, click, click." I said, "Girls, be quiet, the van doesn't sound right." They were quiet and I tried again, "click, click, click."
So I go and call Matt and he says, "It's your battery. Go into Sears (I was outside of Sears at Oakview) and ask them if they will jump start it for you. Then call your chirpractor and change your appointment because I want you to take the van straight home."
So I did. Sears was very gracious and two people jump-started it and didn't even charge me! I changed my appointment until tomorrow and now I'm at home. Matt was going to pick up a new battery on his way home and get it changed yet tonight.
Kind of an interesting twist to the day, I guess the mall would not be the worst place to have car problems. :)
No School Today!
Thanks to President's Day, Megan does not have school!
Now, what to do?
Western Heritage Museum because they have a special "family friendly" activities there today?
Children's Museum?
Who knows, but in the end, my girls will probably just want to stay at home and play all day!
I do have one place to go- the chirporactor! I had another bad headache yesterday and I just want to see what he can do. I can see the chiropractor four times for the amount of money it takes to see a medical doctor. It's worth a shot! Besides the headaches, I should probably get adjusted anyway, my arms are starting to tingle again, which means I have a pinched nerve in my back. I also can't turn my head very far to the side and this is exactly what I was struggling with earlier. Maybe it's all related to the headaches? Only now since it's a new year, I actually have to pay for services and can't go whenever I want like I did last year! Hopefully he can fix me in one visit (I doubt it, but it's worth a shot).
Now, what to do?
Western Heritage Museum because they have a special "family friendly" activities there today?
Children's Museum?
Who knows, but in the end, my girls will probably just want to stay at home and play all day!
I do have one place to go- the chirporactor! I had another bad headache yesterday and I just want to see what he can do. I can see the chiropractor four times for the amount of money it takes to see a medical doctor. It's worth a shot! Besides the headaches, I should probably get adjusted anyway, my arms are starting to tingle again, which means I have a pinched nerve in my back. I also can't turn my head very far to the side and this is exactly what I was struggling with earlier. Maybe it's all related to the headaches? Only now since it's a new year, I actually have to pay for services and can't go whenever I want like I did last year! Hopefully he can fix me in one visit (I doubt it, but it's worth a shot).
Sunday, February 20, 2011
lesson on the Hindenburg Explosion
lesson on the sinking of the Titanic
Science experiment in the kitchen sink about the sinking of the Titanic
IMAX movie about dolphins
game time
lesson on the Hindenburg Explosion
lesson on the sinking of the Titanic
Science experiment in the kitchen sink about the sinking of the Titanic
IMAX movie about dolphins
game time
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Totally Slacking in the Blogging Department :(
I haven't blogged since Tuesday. Wow.
1. It was sooo nice out this week, we had to be out there as much as we could!
The girls got out their bicycles and I had to be brave and watch Megan ride again! We took Christian's walker outside and let him walk around on the driveway. Courtney also had a great time pulling him in the wagon! Why do I need to entertain anybody??
2. We went to the zoo on Thursday for a couple of hours. We HAD to go there sometime this week! It was fun watching Christian watch the animals. He was enthralled by some of them! Courtney had fun running around with some of her little friends- they're so cute together!
3. I've been having these bad headaches lately. They are on the base of my head and soon after they start, the pain moves up into my sinuses. I also can't turn my head much this week. Might be time to call the chirpractor again! I had a headache this afternoon and I took some tylenol and about an hour later, it finally went away.
4. I had MOPS on Friday and we talked about communication in a marriage. After listening to our speaker for almost 40 minutes, the point was " When you are in a disagreement with your partner, offer God's grace." In otherwords, forgive each other. I totally agree with this!
5. The kids, including myself, have had colds this week. Not bad colds, just runny noses. Hopefully it won't turn into anything worse.
This is randon, but Matt and I are very thankful that the House of Representatives decided to pull funding for Planned Parenthood. We PRAY that this will pass the Senate too and all those innocent babies can live!! Abortion is NOT a good thing!! And even worse, is that our tax dollars helping fund those abortions! This needs to stop!!
Anyway, off to find the family and find something fun to do on this Saturday night!
1. It was sooo nice out this week, we had to be out there as much as we could!
The girls got out their bicycles and I had to be brave and watch Megan ride again! We took Christian's walker outside and let him walk around on the driveway. Courtney also had a great time pulling him in the wagon! Why do I need to entertain anybody??
2. We went to the zoo on Thursday for a couple of hours. We HAD to go there sometime this week! It was fun watching Christian watch the animals. He was enthralled by some of them! Courtney had fun running around with some of her little friends- they're so cute together!
3. I've been having these bad headaches lately. They are on the base of my head and soon after they start, the pain moves up into my sinuses. I also can't turn my head much this week. Might be time to call the chirpractor again! I had a headache this afternoon and I took some tylenol and about an hour later, it finally went away.
4. I had MOPS on Friday and we talked about communication in a marriage. After listening to our speaker for almost 40 minutes, the point was " When you are in a disagreement with your partner, offer God's grace." In otherwords, forgive each other. I totally agree with this!
5. The kids, including myself, have had colds this week. Not bad colds, just runny noses. Hopefully it won't turn into anything worse.
This is randon, but Matt and I are very thankful that the House of Representatives decided to pull funding for Planned Parenthood. We PRAY that this will pass the Senate too and all those innocent babies can live!! Abortion is NOT a good thing!! And even worse, is that our tax dollars helping fund those abortions! This needs to stop!!
Anyway, off to find the family and find something fun to do on this Saturday night!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Crazy Dog!
Ok, so why does my dog need to bark at every Fedex truck, every UPS truck, the trash man every Tuesday and the mailman everyday? Seriously! Oh wait, and anybody who walks by our house and especially those who are walking their own dog??
It is so nice that she barks at them WHILE Christian is sleeping.
She just got banned to the basement because she woke Christian up from barking at the trash man.
Maybe I should go let her up now and thankfully, Christian went back to sleep!
It is so nice that she barks at them WHILE Christian is sleeping.
She just got banned to the basement because she woke Christian up from barking at the trash man.
Maybe I should go let her up now and thankfully, Christian went back to sleep!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Lincoln Children's Museum
Some of these pictures turned out good from our visit to the Lincoln Children's Museum last week! I just had to post them!
(These are in opposite order, the pictures from the beginning of the day are at the bottom and the very last pictures of the day are here at the top. Sorry!)
(These are in opposite order, the pictures from the beginning of the day are at the bottom and the very last pictures of the day are here at the top. Sorry!)
Crazy Last Week!
I saw that I haven't posted in a few days.
Once we hit Tuesday evening, we went non-stop until Friday.
Tuesday night we had piano lessons and Matt had a meeting until 8:30(was supposed to volunteer at the book fair and have parent-teacher conferences, but Matt had a meeting so I couldn't do either!)
Wednesday we went to story time in the morning with the kids and Megan was home at 2:30. She had a friend over to play and we had conferences then at 5:40-6. We learned that Megan is doing very well in school and is reading above grade level! Yay!
After conferences, Matt headed home to write an article for work and I took the kids to AWANA. After church, we headed home went to bed!
Megan didn't have school and Matt took the day off, so on Thursday we got up and headed to Lincoln with some of our friends to go to the Lincoln Children's Museum. We hit Spagehtti Works for lunch and played at the museum all afternoon. On the way home, we stopped at my brother's for awhile and saw them!
Megan didn't have school on Friday either, so we stayed home all day. The kids have a great time here at home!
Yesterday was dance for Megan and today, well, I don't know what today is going to bring yet. It's supposed to be 52 degrees out this afternoon, so I am hoping for a trip to the zoo, but who knows! Whatever we end up doing, it needs to be outside!!
Once we hit Tuesday evening, we went non-stop until Friday.
Tuesday night we had piano lessons and Matt had a meeting until 8:30(was supposed to volunteer at the book fair and have parent-teacher conferences, but Matt had a meeting so I couldn't do either!)
Wednesday we went to story time in the morning with the kids and Megan was home at 2:30. She had a friend over to play and we had conferences then at 5:40-6. We learned that Megan is doing very well in school and is reading above grade level! Yay!
After conferences, Matt headed home to write an article for work and I took the kids to AWANA. After church, we headed home went to bed!
Megan didn't have school and Matt took the day off, so on Thursday we got up and headed to Lincoln with some of our friends to go to the Lincoln Children's Museum. We hit Spagehtti Works for lunch and played at the museum all afternoon. On the way home, we stopped at my brother's for awhile and saw them!
Megan didn't have school on Friday either, so we stayed home all day. The kids have a great time here at home!
Yesterday was dance for Megan and today, well, I don't know what today is going to bring yet. It's supposed to be 52 degrees out this afternoon, so I am hoping for a trip to the zoo, but who knows! Whatever we end up doing, it needs to be outside!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Megan- I was going to take her to school, but I didn't want her to have a "tardy" on her record, so she bundled up and I put her on the bus.
Courtney- Right now she is begging me to go get the mail. Why? Because she loves opening all the junk mail. It's her thing lately. Even in 1 degree weather.
Christian- Back to the doctor yesterday. His urine came back normal and he gained another 6 oz., we are up to 18 lbs. 7 oz. now! I think we can check his urine in a month again, we'll be doing this for about 3 years or so!
It's so funny right now, Courtney is pushing Christian around in the dump truck. They are both laughing. It's so funny to see how the girls play differently with Christian. Megan loves to tickle him and get right in his face, but Courtney just likes to make him laugh. They both love him!

No Sleeping in today!
Ok Christian, you had me up for 1 1/2 hours last night and only napped for 45 minutes yesterday after sleeping until 9:30, it's 7 am, time for you to get up!!! We need to get you back on your schedule!!
PS- Should I send Megan to stand at the bus stop when it is -8 degrees out and -27 windchill?? That's soooo cold!!
PS- Should I send Megan to stand at the bus stop when it is -8 degrees out and -27 windchill?? That's soooo cold!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Pictures from this last week
These are in no certain order!
I love Megan's shirt- it represents two things she loves: Jesus and dancing!
(Honestly, she wore this shirt and sweatpants around the house yesterday, it was wierd seeing her without a dress on!)

Destructo Christian coming out again! We have to eat our toy basket!

Megan and Courtney earn nickels for doing their chores. Megan decided to make a person out of her nickels one night and just HAD to take a picture of her creation!
I love Megan's shirt- it represents two things she loves: Jesus and dancing!
(Honestly, she wore this shirt and sweatpants around the house yesterday, it was wierd seeing her without a dress on!)

Destructo Christian coming out again! We have to eat our toy basket!

Megan and Courtney earn nickels for doing their chores. Megan decided to make a person out of her nickels one night and just HAD to take a picture of her creation!
Wake the baby up?
Yesterday Christian took about an hour's worth of naps.
Last night, he didn't go to sleep until 10:15!
He was awake at 6 am, so I fed him and he went back to sleep.
It's almost 9 am, should I wake the baby up? Or should I let him sleep due to his "lack of sleep" yesterday?
I think he also has a sore throat, so he probably doesn't feel good.
If I let him sleep in, then I will be up til 11 pm tonight with him!
Last night, he didn't go to sleep until 10:15!
He was awake at 6 am, so I fed him and he went back to sleep.
It's almost 9 am, should I wake the baby up? Or should I let him sleep due to his "lack of sleep" yesterday?
I think he also has a sore throat, so he probably doesn't feel good.
If I let him sleep in, then I will be up til 11 pm tonight with him!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Quote of the day
Dad: " So Courtney, who did you play with at Sunday School today?"
Courtney: "Nobody but my boring ol' self!" as she laughed!
Courtney: "Nobody but my boring ol' self!" as she laughed!
Wii Party
Last night we were looking for something to do as a family, so I suggested we play Wii party. Both girls can easily play the Wii and it's a board game, so why not?
We played it, the girls enjoyed it, and it was so much fun!
So much that they wanted to play another game today after church!
Now if only Matt wouldn't win so much...those first born children!!!
We played it, the girls enjoyed it, and it was so much fun!
So much that they wanted to play another game today after church!
Now if only Matt wouldn't win so much...those first born children!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Figured it out!
I went to MOPS yesterday and my discussion group leaders husband is a doctor and there is also a chiropractor in my group. Lately, we've been talking about vaccinations/ health issues. Neither one of these moms vaccinate thier children. They believe that a healthy child will not die of any of these major diseases and there are too many things wrong with the vaccinations for them to give them to their children. (We have always vaccinated our children because we believe our kids can die from these diseases! Yes, there are probably some things wrong with them, like they give too many in the first year, but we've always went ahead with them).
When Christian came down with HS Purpura two weeks ago, they were really interested in it all!
I had MOPS the Friday after we had him in the ER, so his bruises were still there, so I showed them to them and they wanted to know all about it.
Well it ends up that my discussion group leader went home and did a whole lot of research on HS Purpura. She says you cannot just google it, but you have to read through the medical journals.
This is what she found out for me.
1. HS Purpura is more than likely caused by the flu vaccine.
Christian got his 2nd dose of the flu vaccine about 4-5 days before we were in the ER. When we were in the hospital, the dr. told us that the antibodies from a cold caused it, but really it's the antibodies that your body makes to fight off the flu (from the vaccine). He didn't have a cold before he broke out, so I kind of questioned that, but now I believe strongly that it was from the flu shot. These two moms told me to NEVER get him a flu shot again! (remember they are anti any vaccines) But I tend to agree with them on this, if I give him the flu shot next year, he might break out worse and it could ruin his kidneys.
2. There has been a rises in HS Purpura in infants since they have allowed the flu shot to be given at 6 months. I guess you had a wait a year before, but now they can get it at 6 months. My friends believe this is just so they make more money.
3. My group leader also said there was a huge spike in HS Purpura last year. This was because there were more people getting the H1N1 vaccine.
4. She said that their kidneys and bowels can be affected, which the doctors did tell us! We are doing urine checks weekly for about a month and then monthly urine checks. We need to check his urine for at least 3 years (I don't know if we're going to check monthly or not, I'm not sure on the plan).
5. She recommended that I report his outbreak of HS Purpura to the CDC. She says that our doctor is not going to report it, so we should. This is why it's not always traced to the flu shot, because of the under-reporting that is done. I am anxious to do this!
We are going to have a playdate on Tuesday and talk about this some more. I remember questioning whether to get him his flu shot, but our doctor recommended it, so I went ahead with it, mostly because he is so young. The girls also got their flu mist this year. Apprarently that was the wrong decision!
Another reason not to give my kids flu shots- Another friend of mine works at the Red Cross, she said they had a 2-3 year old this year who got a flu shot and then she couldn't use her legs anymore. She said they have done a couple transfusions on her, but she's still not better.
Why don't our doctors tell us the risks behind the flu shot?
Do the pros outweight the cons?
I even asked my doctor if Christian's HS Purpura could've been caused by the flu shot and what she did say, "Of course not." Hmmm. I should show her the research!
When Christian came down with HS Purpura two weeks ago, they were really interested in it all!
I had MOPS the Friday after we had him in the ER, so his bruises were still there, so I showed them to them and they wanted to know all about it.
Well it ends up that my discussion group leader went home and did a whole lot of research on HS Purpura. She says you cannot just google it, but you have to read through the medical journals.
This is what she found out for me.
1. HS Purpura is more than likely caused by the flu vaccine.
Christian got his 2nd dose of the flu vaccine about 4-5 days before we were in the ER. When we were in the hospital, the dr. told us that the antibodies from a cold caused it, but really it's the antibodies that your body makes to fight off the flu (from the vaccine). He didn't have a cold before he broke out, so I kind of questioned that, but now I believe strongly that it was from the flu shot. These two moms told me to NEVER get him a flu shot again! (remember they are anti any vaccines) But I tend to agree with them on this, if I give him the flu shot next year, he might break out worse and it could ruin his kidneys.
2. There has been a rises in HS Purpura in infants since they have allowed the flu shot to be given at 6 months. I guess you had a wait a year before, but now they can get it at 6 months. My friends believe this is just so they make more money.
3. My group leader also said there was a huge spike in HS Purpura last year. This was because there were more people getting the H1N1 vaccine.
4. She said that their kidneys and bowels can be affected, which the doctors did tell us! We are doing urine checks weekly for about a month and then monthly urine checks. We need to check his urine for at least 3 years (I don't know if we're going to check monthly or not, I'm not sure on the plan).
5. She recommended that I report his outbreak of HS Purpura to the CDC. She says that our doctor is not going to report it, so we should. This is why it's not always traced to the flu shot, because of the under-reporting that is done. I am anxious to do this!
We are going to have a playdate on Tuesday and talk about this some more. I remember questioning whether to get him his flu shot, but our doctor recommended it, so I went ahead with it, mostly because he is so young. The girls also got their flu mist this year. Apprarently that was the wrong decision!
Another reason not to give my kids flu shots- Another friend of mine works at the Red Cross, she said they had a 2-3 year old this year who got a flu shot and then she couldn't use her legs anymore. She said they have done a couple transfusions on her, but she's still not better.
Why don't our doctors tell us the risks behind the flu shot?
Do the pros outweight the cons?
I even asked my doctor if Christian's HS Purpura could've been caused by the flu shot and what she did say, "Of course not." Hmmm. I should show her the research!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Christian vs. the Legos
Since Matt is gone during the day at work and hasn't had a real dose of Christian "on the move" yet, he sure got a taste of it tonight!
We were in the playroom and we were getting it cleaned up for the night. On the floor was the container of legs. Yes, little ones that Christian can choke on. We were in there all day today "organizing" and we just kept an eye on Christian and he didn't bother them.
Well tonight Matt sat Christian down right in front of them! So what does the baby do? He leans over the container and as he pushes himself up to standing, he pushes the container over and half of them spill out! I laughed sooo hard! Matt just looked at him!
So the next thing Matt does is to pick Christian up out of the mess and puts him about two feet away. Good idea Matt! (insert sarcasm) Christian, seeing that there are legos on the floor and that he wants them, gets on his hands and knees and eyes them. Knowing he can't crawl yet, he falls to the floor and army crawls over to them. Of course, he got a piece because Matt wasn't fast enough to pick them all up before he got there!
All the while I am just standing back and watching this take place. I chase him all day long! Matt knows he is fast and is starting to get into everything, but he didn't think he was this fast already!
All I can say is welcome to my world!!
(As a side note, after this all happened, Matt stayed in the playroom with Megan to do her homework and to put her to bed. He kept Christian in there (after he put the legos up) and I went and put Courtney to bed in their bedroom. I told him that Christian is fine to roll around, there's nothing really he can get into. About 10 minutes later, he delivered Christian to me. I said, "Why don't you keep him?" Matt replied with, "He's into everything!"
We were in the playroom and we were getting it cleaned up for the night. On the floor was the container of legs. Yes, little ones that Christian can choke on. We were in there all day today "organizing" and we just kept an eye on Christian and he didn't bother them.
Well tonight Matt sat Christian down right in front of them! So what does the baby do? He leans over the container and as he pushes himself up to standing, he pushes the container over and half of them spill out! I laughed sooo hard! Matt just looked at him!
So the next thing Matt does is to pick Christian up out of the mess and puts him about two feet away. Good idea Matt! (insert sarcasm) Christian, seeing that there are legos on the floor and that he wants them, gets on his hands and knees and eyes them. Knowing he can't crawl yet, he falls to the floor and army crawls over to them. Of course, he got a piece because Matt wasn't fast enough to pick them all up before he got there!
All the while I am just standing back and watching this take place. I chase him all day long! Matt knows he is fast and is starting to get into everything, but he didn't think he was this fast already!
All I can say is welcome to my world!!
(As a side note, after this all happened, Matt stayed in the playroom with Megan to do her homework and to put her to bed. He kept Christian in there (after he put the legos up) and I went and put Courtney to bed in their bedroom. I told him that Christian is fine to roll around, there's nothing really he can get into. About 10 minutes later, he delivered Christian to me. I said, "Why don't you keep him?" Matt replied with, "He's into everything!"
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
Ok, I was going to do this yesterday, but didn't get there. :)
1. I LOVE it that Christian can feed himself now. Next time I am at the store, I am going to buy a big bag of cheerios! It sure helps out a lot that he can eat solids! I can just give him some food to occupy him for a little bit while I get something done or I can actually eat during our meals now!
2. He can also pick up a sippy cup and drink out of that too! LOVE it!
3. Two snow days in a row. The girls occupy themselves all day and I take care of Christian. I don't have to feel guilty for not playing with Courtney because Megan occupies her! I do stop and check in on them once in awhile.
4. Yesterday I decided to make popcorn whle we were watching a movie, so I got some out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave. I hit the "popcorn" button and let it be. I heard it pop and thought, "it will shut off when it's done" so I let it be. Soon Megan says, "Mom, look!" and there was steam coming out of the microwave while it was still on! Yes, I burned the popcorn, no wait, not just burned, I scorched it! I had to open the windows and turn on the fan and our house still smelled like burnt popcorn hours later!
5. My teeth are bothering me again. Cold, chewing hard things on the same side where I had my root canal done two months ago. I don't know if I did something or what, my jaw hurts too. Seriously, can we just solve all this and get done with it! I'm waiting for the dentist to call me back. I have also had a sore throat the last two mornings, I wonder if it is all related.
6. Since we've been home since about last Friday, I have really saved us money (and the environment) by not using disposable diapers. I use cloth at home and only use disposables at night! I love not having to buy diapers every time I go to Wal-Mart!
7. I have also watched more TV than usual lately. Courtney loves "Rachael Ray", she calls it the "Cooking show" because they always cook at the end. Well, I'm starting to like the beginning part when she has guests on. Since we've been home, I've sat down and watched it. Yes, bad, I know.
8. Christian has really been developing lately. He can army crawl, reach about 2 feet away, and pull himself up on things. He is also eating more and gaining weight again. He is also understanding sign language. He knows "Milk" really well and we're working on "more" at the dinner table. I'm not sure what we'll do next. He loves to make all kinds of noises lately too!
(He is growling at me as I type this!)
9. Today is bath day. Do you think I will be able to pull Megan and Courtney out of Barbie world to take a bath. I think so.
10. Finally, there is no hope of getting out today. My only hope has been cancelled. Our church is not having AWANA tonight! Maybe we can get out for supper. :) I'm pretty sure they will have school tomorow and I have a MOMS Club meeting at 9:30 am, so that is my next scheduled activity! I can't wait!!
Ok, off to get kids in the tub! My rule is that everyone needs to get through the shower, hair and teeth brushed by lunchtime, including myself.
1. I LOVE it that Christian can feed himself now. Next time I am at the store, I am going to buy a big bag of cheerios! It sure helps out a lot that he can eat solids! I can just give him some food to occupy him for a little bit while I get something done or I can actually eat during our meals now!
2. He can also pick up a sippy cup and drink out of that too! LOVE it!
3. Two snow days in a row. The girls occupy themselves all day and I take care of Christian. I don't have to feel guilty for not playing with Courtney because Megan occupies her! I do stop and check in on them once in awhile.
4. Yesterday I decided to make popcorn whle we were watching a movie, so I got some out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave. I hit the "popcorn" button and let it be. I heard it pop and thought, "it will shut off when it's done" so I let it be. Soon Megan says, "Mom, look!" and there was steam coming out of the microwave while it was still on! Yes, I burned the popcorn, no wait, not just burned, I scorched it! I had to open the windows and turn on the fan and our house still smelled like burnt popcorn hours later!
5. My teeth are bothering me again. Cold, chewing hard things on the same side where I had my root canal done two months ago. I don't know if I did something or what, my jaw hurts too. Seriously, can we just solve all this and get done with it! I'm waiting for the dentist to call me back. I have also had a sore throat the last two mornings, I wonder if it is all related.
6. Since we've been home since about last Friday, I have really saved us money (and the environment) by not using disposable diapers. I use cloth at home and only use disposables at night! I love not having to buy diapers every time I go to Wal-Mart!
7. I have also watched more TV than usual lately. Courtney loves "Rachael Ray", she calls it the "Cooking show" because they always cook at the end. Well, I'm starting to like the beginning part when she has guests on. Since we've been home, I've sat down and watched it. Yes, bad, I know.
8. Christian has really been developing lately. He can army crawl, reach about 2 feet away, and pull himself up on things. He is also eating more and gaining weight again. He is also understanding sign language. He knows "Milk" really well and we're working on "more" at the dinner table. I'm not sure what we'll do next. He loves to make all kinds of noises lately too!
(He is growling at me as I type this!)
9. Today is bath day. Do you think I will be able to pull Megan and Courtney out of Barbie world to take a bath. I think so.
10. Finally, there is no hope of getting out today. My only hope has been cancelled. Our church is not having AWANA tonight! Maybe we can get out for supper. :) I'm pretty sure they will have school tomorow and I have a MOMS Club meeting at 9:30 am, so that is my next scheduled activity! I can't wait!!
Ok, off to get kids in the tub! My rule is that everyone needs to get through the shower, hair and teeth brushed by lunchtime, including myself.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Agenda for the Snow Day
The Agenda for Megan and Courtney today:
Get up
play, play,play
get dressed, brush hair and teeth
have lunch
play, play, play
watch movie
play some more
dad comes home
clean up from playtime
go to bed!
Agenda for Christian:
Get up
eat again
play some more
Go to bed
And me:
get kids food
maybe enjoy a movie with the kids
entertain Christian
play with girls
feed Christian
put Christian to bed
break up fights
check email and facebook
maybe clean a little
do some laundry
Enjoy the snow day!
Get up
play, play,play
get dressed, brush hair and teeth
have lunch
play, play, play
watch movie
play some more
dad comes home
clean up from playtime
go to bed!
Agenda for Christian:
Get up
eat again
play some more
Go to bed
And me:
get kids food
maybe enjoy a movie with the kids
entertain Christian
play with girls
feed Christian
put Christian to bed
break up fights
check email and facebook
maybe clean a little
do some laundry
Enjoy the snow day!
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