Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Micah's Own Language!

I have been wanting to write down Micah's own language for awhile now. He just cracks me up how he assigns words to items, and then he starts calling them by that new word. Luckily, we can usually figure it all out.

Here are a few of his examples:

Megan = Dee Dee
Courtney= Ock or Ocky
Christian= Tristian

He can say mama and dada quite clear!

He also named two of ours friends this summer. Ana became "Baba" and Miki became "KeeKee." He still talks about them, and if he mentions one, he always mentions the other.

To color= Ock
Courtney has actually made up a song about "Micah ocking with Ocky" or "Micah coloring with Courtney."

fork or a spoon= ish
I have no idea where he got this from.

Drink= ink
Blanket= et
He seems to sometimes just say the last syllable of a word.

grape= bleh
Strawberry sounds very much like "bleh" too.
Whenever he sees my blender, he says "bleh" because one day we made strawberry smoothies, and he connected strawberries and the blender.

Ice cream has turned into "My meam", thanks to Megan. :)

water= yah yah. He doesn't drink milk, so if he wants something to drink, it is "yah yah." If it is raining out or he sees water anywhere else, he also refers to that as "yah yah."

ketchup= "chechuh"

He also has learned all his sounds that animals make. He has learned moo, quack, hee-haw (or he just says "haw"), baa, loodle loodle loo (rooster), mow (meow), ruf for a dog. He calls dogs "pup pups" and our neighbor's dog is named CoCo. He calls her "Toto."

While we were on our trip, we were feeding bread to the ducks. Now every time he sees any bread or hears us say bread, he says, "quack, quack." Maybe we should eat bread around here more often!!

Today he saw the tortillas in the fridge and said, "Pizzaballs!" We have made pizzas on those a few times. He will also say "Peachaballs" which means peaches. I am not sure why he has added the word "balls" to these words.

He also tells me when he is going #2; he says "iaper change" because he needs a diaper change! He also refers to his pants as "britches."  His pajamas are "pjs."

"Splash, splash" is a bath and he will run right into the bathroom. He also knows where mama's "splash splash" is.

"Blow" means something is too hot and this can even be bath water. One night I had the water too warm, and he said, "blow, blow."

He says "eh" when he means "no" and he will shake his head to mean "yes."

Whenever he falls or hits himself, he says " ah bonkee." He also learned "knee," so sometimes he "bonkee knee."

We have been hearing him say a lot of new words lately. We went on a walk last night and we were looking at the moon. He said, "moon, vow" which meant, "Moon, wow!" Megan has also taught him to say, "chocolate" and it comes out as "cha cha."  He loves beans and those come out as "beas." Almost daily, he brings me a can of beans and a bowl!

Micah loves to sing, especially "Backseat Driver" by Toby Mac which has turned into "Bass," so we play this quite often. He also knows "Happy Birthday" on the piano and that is "Bappy buday."

He loves to go for walks, so he says "valk." He will go get his shoes or "esh" and his "jaja" or jacket. He will often bring "Dee Dee" her shoes and jacket too.

Anything with wheels is a "tractuh cah." It almost sounds like "tractor car." He can say "car" by itself and he knows the difference. Everything has just become a "tractuh cah" lately.

"Buckle, buckle, buckle" is either a pretzel or buckle in his carseat.

He loves it when Megan takes his picture; he now refers to her camera as a "cheese." :)

"Das" has become a slide to go down. He loves to "das." There is a slide in his room in the nursery at church and he loves to "das" there!

I'm sure there are more!

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