Saturday, April 15, 2017

Another call to the allergist!

What is it with my kids and hives lately?? Now that we have Micah figured out, Megan decided to give us some trouble. :)

Hives are not new for her. She gets water hives every time she showers or gets wet. She has been doing this for about two years now and the doctor said it usually lasts 5-10 years or even her lifetime. We know this is not going away for awhile. We aren't quite sure what triggered it either.

(here is a website that explains it...)

Lately though, the hives have been getting worse. For the longest time, they were just on her back and on her chest. They could would have a small welt in the middle and then a big red blotchy area around them. She would start to get them about halfway through her shower, and then they would all be away about ten minutes after she was out and dried off.

The other night she came downstairs when she was done with her shower and she had hives on her neck, on her face, and behind her ears! She also had a place on her back that was REALLY itchy.  The welts also looked bigger than usual and about a half an hour later, they still weren't gone.

Ok, what happened?? Why are these hives intensifying??

I called her allergist yesterday and he said to give her Zyrtec and a reflux medicine for a week to see if they will calm down.  We will start that tonight. The doctor wants us to report back in a week.

I have two theories though about why this happened.  The first theory is her braces. She has ceramic brackets, but there are two metal brackets way in the back. Since she has a metal allergy, these may be affecting her body.

She also stopped taking magnesium. She had been taking this for the longest time and now that she quit taking it, her hives are intensifying. Her eczema is also coming back on the back of her legs.

We may never know what is going on, but we do need to manage these symptoms! Poor thing!

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