Monday, January 30, 2017

Let's fix those teeth!

Megan is counting down until Friday. She gets her braces and she is excited! I don't think she's so excited for braces, but rather to get her teeth straightened. They are quite crooked at this point. :( So much, that they are starting to bother her when she puts them together.

Tomorrow we start the process. It is her first appointment for x-rays and impressions. They are also going to put spacers between her teeth because she has to have ANOTHER pallet expander. We go back on Friday and they will put her full set of braces on. Then in another 1 1/2 weeks, we will go back again and they will put in her palette expander. Lastly, we go in about a week later to make sure everything is working and where it is supposed to be. Making four appointments is hard work!

I am really hoping she doesn't have any reactions to the palette expander. We are pretty sure that the palette expander she had in 2015 caused her eczema and triggered her water hives (which she still gets).  We are going to try to keep away from as much metal as we can because she tested positive for a gold allergy back in December. The allergist said that if you are allergic to gold, you are usually allergic to all the other metals too. We are going to do ceramic brackets and titanium wires.  I will talk to the orthodontist more about it tomorrow.

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