Monday, January 30, 2017

A Clean Room- how amazing!

As we were all recovering from our virus this weekend, I put Christian on a mission. He HAD to clean his room. We were supposed to hold small group here Sunday night, so it was on the agenda anyway, but once that got cancelled (due to everyone being sick), I told him he still had to get it clean.

I don't remember the last time it was cleaned!! And lately, I just make a path to his bed at night, but the last week or so, enough was enough!!

I also wanted it cleaned for a different reason. Back in the fall when we were having so much trouble with his behavior, we found it very effective to take a laundry basket and start picking up things off of his floor. The deal was that he could have them back when his behavior improved. This included any toys, clothes (clean or dirty), books, or whatever we grabbed at the moment. We had quite a stash of his stuff for quite awhile!! Now that his behavior has improved, he has been earning his stuff back. But once he gets it back, he just dumps the basket on top of the already big mess!

He also has this little habit of not picking up his dirty clothes at night, so along with his toys, he has dirty underwear, socks, shirts, and jeans throughout his room. And then he would blame ME when he doesn't have any clean clothes!!! PICK UP YOUR DIRTY CLOTHES!!! Along with not picking up his dirty clothes, he would not put his clean clothes away. After I have done laundry, I will set his clean clothes in an pile right inside his doorway and expect him to put them away. HA! That doesn't usually happen either.  He didn't know what was clean or dirty half the time! Yesterday when he was getting ready for church, he didn't have any clean jeans. HMMMM!!! I ended up finding a pair in his sister's room. I am not sure how they got in there!

Because of the toys being scattered everywhere and his clothes one big clean/ dirty mess, I told him he had to get it cleaned up!!

He spent all afternoon up there and once he got going, I went up and helped him a little. He got all his KNEX put in his boxes and his other toys sorted and put away. He even got all his dirty clothes picked up and clean clothes put away.  He was pretty excited when he found some clothes that we had taken away! He came downstairs last night in a pair of pajamas that he has been without for awhile! It was nice seeing him in some different clothes again!

I loved walking in there last night to tuck him into bed and not having to kick toys to the side for a path! It was so nice!

Now the real test is to see how long he can keep it clean!

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