Thursday, January 26, 2017

Last night and lack of sleep...again!

Someday these children will figure out that their parents need sleep!!

Last night after I got the kids to bed, I stayed up and read ahead for science and history. Of course, I couldn't get to sleep when I was done. I think I finally got to sleep about midnight.

Around 2:30 am, I hear, "Mom" coming from Christian's room. I sat up and tried to see if he would say it again. When I didn't hear anything else, I went to investigate. Christian was sitting up in bed and he said, "I don't feel so good." I asked him back, "Do you feel like throwing up?" He said, "No....well....maybe." UGH!! I found a bucket in his room full of musical instruments and I dumped it out on his floor. I did not want a repeat of a month ago! Of course, he said to me, "I don't want that bucket, it has Easter eggs on it." (It was an Easter egg bucket.) I told him I didn't care what was on it. If he needs to throw up, he needs to throw up in the bucket.  I gave it to him and within a minute or so, he threw up! Wow! He got everything in the bucket!  Right in the middle of it, Matt came flying from our room and wanted to know what was going on. I told him that he would not need to clean up a mess because Christian had a bucket! He was very relieved!!

After taking care of Christian, Matt and I headed back to bed. It was a little before 3 am. About 15 minutes later, Matt got out of bed because he was wide awake. Unfortunately, he was up for the day.

Around 4:15 am, I heard Micah start to cry. Double ugh because Micah rarely cries himself back to sleep! I let him cry for awhile. Around 4:30 am, Matt came upstairs to take a shower. When he was done getting ready for work around 5, Micah was still fussing. I asked him if he would go get him and he did.  I ended up getting up too at this time, and taking Micah downstairs to feed him. Matt was eating breakfast, so we watched the morning news together at 5:30 am.

Matt left around 5:45 am for work and Micah continued to nurse. By about 6:15, he was sound asleep again. I felt like I had two options. I could either continue to sit on the recliner and hold him until I get the big kids up at 7:30, or I could take my chance and try to lay him back in his bed. Then I could go back to bed for an hour! I took my chance and around 6:30, I laid him back in his bed. I was able to go back to bed myself.  I did get back to sleep!

As 7:15 rolled around, Micah was back awake and fussing again. I let him cry a little bit and around 7:30, I went in and got him. Now both of us were up for good!

The girls got up and I told them about our night. They were unaware of any of it! Christian eventually got up, and he still had a stomach ache. He wasn't doing so well in the morning and spent some time actually laying on the bathroom floor because he was so weak. I found a recipe for homemade pedialyte, so I got that made and that seemed to help. I finally got to school about 11:15 am for the girls and we just did Language Arts this morning. Christian got a sick day.

We had PE this afternoon, which I was supposed to lead, so I had my girls lead it instead. We had a scavenger hunt at  local mall. I stayed home with the boys.  Christian was also supposed to have basketball practice tonight, but we kept him home from that too.

Hopefully everybody will sleep tonight and we can get back into that habit! W have had a rough couple of weeks with all these viruses working through our family.

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