Saturday, November 28, 2015

Time for some structure!

We have not done much for three weeks, and I am glad. I needed time to recover and we all needed to get used to having a baby around. Babies also take a lot of work (when they are not sleeping), so I spent many hours rocking and feeding baby Micah.  The kids have been doing their own thing and occupying themselves for the last three weeks.

But now I think the kids are ready to get back to some structure.  Yesterday, we had quite the time with Christian. Between not listening very well, saying "no" to everything we say, lying, and just being disrespectful, I think he needs some time with just mom or dad by himself. He is always asking me to do something with him, but I just can't due to the baby.  Matt is usually on the computer, so Christian ends up watching him. Matt and I both think this has led to his behavior troubles.  When we force him to move away from the computer, he gets very angry and starts misbehaving.  Yesterday after Christian lied yet again, Matt took away the computer for two days, but guess what Christian was doing today? Watching Matt play Minecraft.  On one hand, I think Minecraft needs to go, but on the other hand, it has led to some creativity and some very interesting conversations around here.  I usually limit computer time to 45 minutes for the girls and 10 minutes for Christian and they can play a couple times a day. There are moments though when nobody is on the computer and they are all on the floor playing cars or Legos, so they are times when they are being creative on their own.

My goal for this coming week is to get back to math and some preschool for Christian.  Micah is usually awake more in the morning, so I don't think we will get much done then.  He usually sleeps most of the afternoon, so I think that is our best bet for getting back to school.  If I can get Math, English, and spelling going before Christmas, I think we are doing well! If we don't get back to any of our Sonlight curriculum until after Christmas, I am ok with it.  I think it will be a challenge to get back to everything! We may get to it, but it will take us awhile to get through the material. Again, I think it is fine. Our Sonlight material may just take us a couple of years to get through!

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