Monday, November 2, 2015

Awake at Night...

My sleep has been so messed up lately. My body must be getting me ready for a newborn. :)

I am usually not tired when it's time to go to bed.  Last week, I actually stayed up until midnight watching "Three's Company" reruns that we have recorded on our DVR! I haven't done that lately, but I am usually up until 11 or 11:30. This may be the steroids that I am still taking.

After I lay in bed and read a book for awhile, I can usually fall asleep by 11 or 12 pm.  By 3:30 or 4, I am awake again.  Contractions usually start around this time and make me quite uncomfortable. I flip from one side to the other multiple times, get up and go to the bathroom at least a couple of times, drink 1-2 cups of water, walk around a little bit and stretch, and then I can usually get back to sleep around 5-6 am.  Lately, I have been bringing my cell phone to bed. It's often interesting what is on Facebook at 4 am! The other night I was looking at my phone and Matt woke up and said, "What are you doing??" I said, "I am looking at Facebook and having contractions!" He just rolled over and went back to sleep.  Honestly, I think my body gets dehydrated by 3:30 and once I drink quite a bit of water, it is happy again to let me get back to sleep!

By about 5:30 am, Matt's alarm is going off and he is up for the day; this is about the same time that I am finally getting back to sleep.  By 7:30 am, my alarm is going off, and I am refreshed and ready to get up for the day.

This same schedule has been going on for at least a week. Maybe one of these times the contractions will keep going and we can make a short trip to the hospital to meet this little guy! Courtney and Christian's labors both began about 4 am! Why not this guy too? I would rather that happen than go at 10 pm!!!

(Honestly, getting up in the middle of the night is probably one of my favorite parts of having a newborn.  It is the only time when I get one-on-one time with the baby with no other interruptions from anybody else. I remember with Christian that I was often sad that I had to put him back to bed, I just wanted to sit and hold him without anyone else around!)

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