Monday, January 26, 2015

Who is going to win this battle??

It is 2:53 and my fine young son is still sitting at the lunch table. Has not been excused yet. Why, you may ask? He has to finish his lunch. One little piece of celery with almond butter, that is all he has left!

He is not one to try new things, but I think he should! He has told me numerous times that "I am full" or "I am tired." None of them are working. I just keep saying, "Don't you want to go play?" or "Don't you want to read a book?" If the answer is "yes," then finish your lunch!

He might sit there all afternoon. I started this battle, I need to finish it.

PS- This battle ended yesterday at 5:15 PM! He sat in his chair all afternoon. Yes, he got up a few times, moved around, changed chairs, went potty, but for the most part, stayed at the table.  I had to take Courtney to basketball practice at 5:15 and he had to go with me, so time was up.  He still hadn't eaten his celery! He kept saying, "It's yucky!"
Matt met us at basketball and I told him what had happened. I asked him if he thought Christian should sit back at the table when we got home from basketball. He said, "If he already sat there 5 hours, that is enough time. It is over." So who really won??

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