Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Oxygen and carbon dioxide

We had an interesting conversation at the breakfast table this morning.

Megan and Courtney were deciding that they wanted to get rid of the swing set and get something else, like a trampoline or a pool for the backyard.

In order to do this, they decided that we would need to remove a few trees to make things fit!

Of course, Megan said, "We can't remove the trees, we need them for oxygen."

Christian responds," Well, I don't like those oxygen trees!" (Obviously he doesn't quite get it!)

Megan and Courtney then proceeded to breathe out and say that is carbon dioxide and that is what the trees need to grow.  Then they told him to breathe in and said we breathe in oxygen and that is what trees give off as waste and we need to grow and survive! (I'm glad they listened in science class!) So we need trees to survive!

Megan's next thought was, "If we cut down every tree in the world, how long would it take before the earth would run out of oxygen??"

Good question!!

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