Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One Reason...

Some day I am going to come up with a list of why I love homeschooling. Actually I had one done once and it got deleted and I hadn't taken the time to write it up again.:(

As for now, I will give you one reason why I love homeschooling. It is friendships!

I know, odd, right? But here is why I think it is so important, especially in a homeschooling situation!

1.  When you go to public school and there are 100 kids in a class and they are divided into 4 classes.  Every year, they mix all the kids up and make up new classes. How can you ever get to make good friends?? You have a friend for 1st grade, then you have to make new ones in 2nd grade, and so forth. How irritating!  With homeschooling, the classes never change!

I am very thankful that my kids (and myself) are starting to develop friendships that will get started now and will last for awhile.  I see my kids starting to make friends and I know that there will never be a situation that should inhibit them from getting together (like changing classes).  I know we will be able to hang around these people for awhile (maybe even years) and get to know them better.  It is so much fun raising your kids alongside another family.

2.  When you are homeschooling, you tend to have your kids with you. If you do anything, your kids are usually along. If you have a playdate or anything, the parents usually stay. This is a great situation! Not only do the kids get to develop relationships, but so do the moms!

3.  It is so neat to start to make friends with people who have the same values and morals in life as you do.  It is nice that they believe the same things you do and you can talk about religion and not get in trouble! Our kids can also talk about religion and not get looked down upon or even be scared to talk about God and Jesus!

4.  It is nice to have other people around who know how hard it is to homeschool, but also know how much of a blessing it is!! They understand what I am going through and are there for encouragement, not discouragement.  We can bounce ideas off of each other and talk about our daily struggles.  We can be open about our thoughts and how we handle certain situations. What a blessing that is!

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