Thursday, June 21, 2012

Compassion...even for hungry polar bears!

Today we spent about half the day at the zoo. At the end of our time there, I decided that we could go see an IMAX movie. It would be a great way to sit down and relax before heading home.

The movie we watched was "Polar Bears" in 3D. Now I thought this would be a cute little movie about polar bears and we would have no problem.  I was wrong! Do you remember my sweet little compassionate daughter named Courtney? She cried at the polar bears movie today! I thought we were going to have to leave, it was really pulling at her heart strings!

The movie was showing how the polar bears live on floating ice and they eat seals.  The movie explained how the ice caps are melting and how the polar bears are having a hard time finding food to eat.  It showed how one mama polar bear swam for nine days straight just to find food for her cubs.

After they showed all this, I hear somebody sniffling beside me.  I asked her what was wrong and she kept saying, "This!" I asked her, "This what?" She said, "This whole movie!"  I still couldn't figure it out.  I asked to her explain why she was crying. She said, "Why don't the polar bears have anything to eat??" She had caught on quite well! She was sad over the fact that the ice caps were melting and the polar bears were having a hard time finding food!  Poor thing!

It then got to a part where they showed a mama polar bear and her two cubs happily on the ice. The male polar bear has no part in their lives, but if he cannot find a seal to eat, then he comes after polar bear cubs.  They showed the male coming after these certain cubs and I kept glancing at Courtney to make sure she was alright. In the end, the mama polar bear gave the male a growl and he left them alone.  (Before this, the mama bear and cubs had ate a baby seal and you could see the remnants and blood on the screen, yet Courtney was fine through this part.  The male polar bear had smelled the blood and that is how he found the mama and the baby bears.  I kept telling Courtney, "Don't watch if you don't want to!" I saw her hide her face a few times, but in the end, she made it through.)

Tonight she came into my room half in tears again.  I am getting used to this compassionate side of her, so of course I asked her what was wrong. Her response was, "I just read that book about slaves again and it scared me."(Yesterday we read a book entitled "If I was there during the Underground Railroad." She was really interested in it and asked a lot of questions.) I asked her what part scared her and she said everything! Wow, she seemed fine with it yesterday!  I think she's starting to understand how bad slavery was and how scary it was when the slaves escaped.  I think she was just processing it tonight.  I gave her a hug and told her she needed to read a different book before going to bed. She was convinced she was going to have scary dreams from the slave book.

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