Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Getting back to Normal.

Camping is about a five- day ordeal around here.
Here is how it went this time:
Thursday- bring camper to house, clean the inside, clean awning, watch awning break in the windstorm.
Friday- wash clothes, wash dishes, clean house, pack camper (I always like a halfway clean house when I come home plus I want to take only clean clothes along.) Drive to campsite and set up.
Saturday- camp
Sunday- camp
Monday- pack everything up and drive camper back home. Unload everything and clean out camper. Put some things back away.
Tuesday- Wash clothes and wash all dishes from the weekend. Put everything back away. Rest from the weekend.

I would love to go camping more often, but it is just a lot of work! Matt and I have decided there is a 3 night stay minimum to camping trips.  It would really help if we could keep it loaded at all times and plugged in, but we can't in town, especially in our neighborhood.  We actually got a nice letter in the mail last year when we had our camper in front of our house for too long.

Today I finally felt that there was some sort of normalcy back in our day.  There are still a few things to put away and the camper still needs to be wiped out and vaccuumed, but that can wait.  It is back in our driveway because Matt needs to fix the awning. The freshly washed towels, sheets, and dishes can go back out there too.

Did I mention that in addition to our awning breaking last week, our jetski broke this weekend along with our camera? Did I mention the dishwasher doesn't work either?? Now that I think about it, I think my washer has something going on too. It ran all night the other night, it was stuck on 1 minute! 

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