Friday, June 22, 2012

Dentist Visit

We were at the dentist about a month ago for our regularly scheduled cleaning, but today Courtney and I made another visit.

On Wednesday after we got done swimming, we were going to the car and Megan was chasing Courtney in the parking lot. Courtney tripped over her own feet with a swimming bag in her hand and landed face first on the cement. I heard this blood-curdling scream and looked over and she was on the ground. I was buckling Christian into his carseat when this all happened.

I got over to her and had her open her mouth- I always make sure the teeth are still in place! They were all there and still straight, but they were covered in blood.  Her upper lip was starting to swell.  I had her get in and we went home right away.  When we got home, I discovered that she had bit the inside of her upper lip pretty bad. She also said her teeth hurt.  By night time though, it was much better.

Today I mentioned to her that I was going to the dentist and she said, "Mom, my teeth still hurt...sometimes."  What? I thought they were fine! So I called the dentist back up and got her in too. I was afraid that when she hit her teeth, she did some damage and they may need to be pulled. You never know.

So I took her in today and the first thing the hygenist said was, "Look, she chipped her front tooth."  I thought it looked different, it's very little bit though, but you can tell.  She took an xray of her front teeth and nothing looked out of the ordinary. We saw her adult front teeth coming in too! She was going to have the dentist look at her xray on Monday and get back to me. She told me watch her teeth, if they start to bubble up by her gums, then she may have an abcess and they would have to do a root canal on her baby tooth. She also wanted me to watch her teeth and if they turned black, we would probably have to pull them. Hopefully there is no damage and everything will be just fine!

I, on the other hand, have an infection in my gums (gingivitis) between two of my back molars. Because my teeth don't line up properly (thanks dad!), I always have trouble with my teeth.  It's been hurting pretty bad for about a week, so I finally went in.   Again, the hygenist recomended Invisalign. I hear this about every time I go in. :)   I should really consider it.  She said that would line my teeth up and I would stop having problems like this. She said it will also help my TMJ trouble.  I know, I know. Hopefully I can get Invisalign sooner rather than later!

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