Monday, March 14, 2011

Thoughts from the Day!

1. Bribery goes a long way...even if the kid doesn't necessarily need it.

Megan needs to take Albuteral three times a day with a nebulizer. She had RSV when she was 9 months old, so we've had the nebulizer before, but we were in control of it. Now she knows better! She was not happy yesterday when we sat her down, put a mask on her, and made her breathe in medicine. Matt worked with her and they got the job done, but she wasn't pleased.

This morning, I was home with her and had to give her the breathing treatment. What should've taken us 5 minutes, took us about a half an hour! She was whining, crying, turning her head, turning the nebulizer off, everything she could to delay the process. She eventually settled down and breathed in the medicine, but still. After this, I didn't know how our afternoon session would go.

In the meantime, she had found a quarter in the car and when we were at the mall this afternoon, she wanted to put it into a gumball machine and get some candy. I said, "Hold on, you're just not getting free candy because you found a quarter," so I struck up a deal with her. She can get the candy, but she needs to take it home. She can only have it IF she takes her medicine well. She agreed!

We got home and I told her it was time to do her medicine. She sat down and picked up the tubing. (We gave up on the mask, we're just letting her hold it in front of her nose). I put the medicine in and turned it on. We were done in 4 minutes! There was NO whining, NO crying, nothing! I was shocked...all for candy!

She did it perfect again tonight. Now only 3 more days of this!

2. Children and Daylight Savings Time

Nobody in my house tonight was ready to go to bed at 8:30.

Not even Christian. He's been in bed sometimes by 8:15, which was perfect because then I could work with the girls at 8:30. Not tonight, he didn't go to bed until 10:30!! And he was wide awake until then! I hope this doesn't happen every night!

Courtney would not settle down, I think I told her about 10 times to go back to bed. Megan settled down and finally stopped coughing, I gave her some medicine. I did let them sleep until 9 this morning, so hopefully tomorrow won't be such a rude awakening when the alarm goes off at 7:25 am! Maybe then we can get back on schedule!

3. My dog is like a driver at UNO

If you never attended UNO, you may not get this.

There are so many drivers/ cars at UNO and not enough parking spots that when you see someone pulling out, you pull up behind them and wait for them to leave thier spot. This can be rather irritating if you're the one pulling out.

Well tonight, I realized that Dell is like the driver in the car. She sat and waited beside Christian's chair after supper for me to clean him up so she could clean up his chair. She just stared at me like it was taking too long. I told her to go away a few times, but she always returned. I don't mind that she cleans his mess up, but really, have a little patience!

Ok, since all my kids went to bed late and I need at least some time to myself, I am finally going to call it a night, at 11 pm! I hope things will change tomorrow night!

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