We've been having trouble lately of Megan "accidently" pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking her sister. Sometimes Courtney instigates it, but not always. Tonight she drew blood by scratching her on her back. Courtney is not innocent either though tonight, she had a mask and put it in front of Megan's face. Well, Megan didn't like that, so she scratched her! Megan just could've handled it better.

She got her only sad face for her attitude tonight on her chore chart and lost triple nickels. Here's our rules: 1. One nickel per happy face. 2. If you complete the row with happy faces, you get double nickels. 3. If you complete the entire chart with happy faces, you get triple nickels!

Notice the only sad face is the bottom right- this one is for attitude, otherwise she had a perfect chore chart for the week! (except for Tuesday, she didn't get a smiley face either because she kicked Courtney in the back while they were putting thier clothes away.) She really needs to stop, but it may only be getting started. Is this why everybody says they would rather have a house full of boys than a house full of girls??
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