Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not such a good idea...

Today we really didn't have any plans to do anything. I wanted to hang low and rest a little bit and get over this cold or whatever it is. I wanted to keep an eye on Christian too. But knowing me, I usually come up with something to do!

By this afternoon, we were all feeling great and Courtney had started "Mom, let's play Wii Party. Mom, let's watch a movie. Mom, when is it snack time?" Ahhhh! What ever happened to quiet time when you leave mom alone for two hours???

Anyway, I had discovered that we had about a hundred boxelder bugs (we call them democrats around here) underneath our front window, so I told Courtney we could go kill them. She hates bugs, so I thought this would be fun. :) So I went to the garage and got the bug spray, but couldn't get it to work. It was about 2:30 and I looked at Courtney and said, "Do you want to walk to Megan's school and get her instead of killing the bugs?" We did this a lot last fall. Courtney would ride her bike and I would push Christian in his stroller. It's about a mile or two to her school. We get Megan and then I let the girls play on the playground awhile before we head home.

So I got all the stuff together that I thought we would need and off we went! Courtney had a long sleeve shirt on and Christian and I just had t-shirts on, it was warm out, so I assumed we would be fine! We got about 2-3 blocks away from the house and I thought, "Wow, it's getting windy out here." I didn't grab jackets for Christian or I, but I thought, "It's not so bad." So I kept going.

By the time we got to school, I was thinking that this wasn't such a good idea anymore! We had walked against the wind all the way to school that I was pretty cold and so was Christian. I had a plan though- as soon as we saw Megan, I asked her for her jacket and put it on Christian. It is bright pink, but who cares, he's a baby! I let the girls play awhile and sat there and talked with a neighbor whose kids usually take the bus with Megan, but she was up there picking her kids up too this afternoon.

She was getting ready to go and Christian was starting to get fussy, so I thought we better start our walk home. She looked at me and said, "Would you like our jackets?" I said, "Would you mind?" I would LOVE a jacket to wear home. I took hers and then she had her 7 year old give me hers too for my girls! How sweet is that! I put it on right away and rounded the kids up and headed home! I told her I would just bring them to her house when we got home. But of course, I had to feed a baby, get a baby down for a nap, and then give piano lessons before I even thought of heading to her house. I saw her pull up in our driveway soon after piano lessons were over, so I grabbed them and headed out there! I told her we were much warmer coming home! I was tempted to call Matt to come home early, go get the van, and come pick us up at school!

Next time, when you think you have everything you need, grab a jacket just incase!

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