Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Why must my baby be into EVERYTHING??? I can't sit here and check email without him getting into the cords under my desk. I can't have the dishwasher open doing dishes and he's over there "helping" me. Ugh...I know this is just the beginning too!!

2. Megan went back to school yesterday. And then brought home FIVE sheets of homework. Really, five for one night? She got them all done though and didn't complain. She shouldn't, she had two free days off last week.

3. Courtney cracks me up more and more everyday. Tonight at supper, she said, "Dad, I have something funny, well, not really funny, but kind of funny." Then she proceeded to tell us this story of a girl at supper who was supposed to drink her milk. Well, the girl spilled it on the floor and then cleaned it up before dad came back into the room. Then dad thought she had drank it all! Good story Courtney!!

4. I really wish my root canal/ crown would stop bothering me!!! I just feel it and my mouth hurts. I'm going to the dentist Friday, seriously, enough already, figure it out.

5. I think I'm addicted to going to the chiropractor. I just love feeling better and learning new ways to make my life better. I would probably go everyday if I could, but unfortunately, I can't. Why can't I just feel good everyday? Why am I falling apart already?

6. I take Christian in for his 9 month appointment tomorrow. I think he has some ear trouble going on, I'm too cheap to pay the $150 it would cost me to take him in, so we're waiting. And yes, he is a little cranky sometimes and not taking very good naps, but I'm willing to wait. The chiropractor looked in his ears yesterday and said they was quite a bit of drainage, whatever that means. I'm very curious to see how much he weighs. He would eat non-stop if I would let him!

7. Matt and I have been discussing homeschooling our children lately. I'm not going to go into much detail, but just that we're giving it some thought.

8. I bought some fresh blueberries today and made some blueberry muffins from scratch, they were delicious! I usually buy pre-mixed packages of muffins, but I thought, I should try something healthier, especially since they are so easy to give to Christian to eat. We'll try them out tomorrow morning, I'm sure he'll love them.

9. I am not looking forward to the time change next week. Christian was up by 6:30 this morning, I don't want to be getting up at 5:30. I might need to feed him and put him back to bed for a couple of hours.

10. I just love how much my kids love each other! I love that they they play so good together (most of the time) and I love how much they love their brother! Courtney loves to push him around in the dump truck, if he even hears it, he starts kicking his feet and whining! Megan just likes to play with him, oh, and pick him up! I'm always saying, "Megan, put him down!" She replies with, "But mom, he likes it!" She just wants to help him walk, but I'm afraid she's going to drop him. For the most part, I love having older children around with the baby! They are my extra set of eyes and ears!

Anyway, that's all for today.

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