Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Getting back to Normal!

We started school back yesterday and it has been crazy. I have two boys who constantly want to touch and irritate each other, so I am constantly being interrupted. :(  I also have a two year old who thinks he needs to be entertained all day long. Somehow he is always trying to get onto my lap while I am trying to teach somebody. Today I got the money out to practice with Christian and Micah wanted to play with it...on my lap! I said "no" and gently put him on the floor with the money. That did NOT go over well!   When I put him down, he cried and then a certain 11 year old told me that I was not being compassionate enough to him! I just want to teach my children!!

As for school, we are able to pick up right where we left off before break. I had everything graded, and we were at good stopping points in most subjects.  I always try to do tests if I can before a long break, but in Courtney's English and Megan's science, we were unable to get the test in even though we were super close to the end of the chapter. We were able to get the reviews in today, and they will take their tests tomorrow. The older two girls were also in the middle of research papers.  They had all their research done before break, so we sat down today and wrote outlines. I think they wanted a break from them anyway, so it worked out well!

I am looking forward to ending some curriculum here shortly and started anew. Courtney and Christian finished their science book, so they are going in separate directions in a couple of days. I think it will be for the better. Courtney is going to do biology, and Christian is going to do earth science. We are close to finishing our history curriculum, so that will be a big switch too, and I am looking forward to it. As I look back at what we were doing, I realized how many books we didn't read and how much of the curriculum we didn't use. I am thinking about selling it because I probably won't use it again. Plus I already have somebody interested in it! Bonus for me!

Along with school, basketball started up this week, so we are doing that for the next two months up at a local church. Courtney and Christian are playing with the Upward program again, so they are excited! Christian started practice last night, and Matt said he was the tallest person on his team. He is also a very old 1st grader, so he is probably one of the oldest too! Courtney starts practice tonight. She is going to be too good for Upward, but it is still fun for her. She really loves basketball!

Youth group also starts back up for Megan this week. She thoroughly enjoys that!

Since we are back at school, I am back to grading every evening. So guess what I get to do tonight?? Grade schoolwork!!

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