Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Crazy Day!

January is kind of boring around here. We don't have many activities going on, but on the flip side, we have gotten a lot of school work done this month! Today though, we had a few bumps in our day that made life interesting.

1. My alarm went off as usual, but I turned it off and slept in an additional hour! (Good thing we go to school at home! We would have missed the bus!! haha!)

2. Everybody needed a shower this morning, except Micah! This always takes longer.

3. Because of these two events, school started an hour late.

4.  As I was doing some research on the computer and getting things ready for school, a big blue screen came up and asked for my Microsoft password. I didn't want to touch anything, so I texted and called Matt to see what I should do and of course, he didn't answer or write back. Everything I needed to do for school was on the computer. I had to put all that on hold. Since the girls were showered and ready, I decided to read some school work to the kids while I waited for Matt to get back to me. (In the end, it was somebody "fishing" for my information and I just had to reboot the computer.")

5. And if starting the school late and my computer acting up wasn't enough, Courtney stopped me as I was reading and said, "Isn't that Christian crying?" (He was in the shower.)  I said, "No, that is just him singing in the shower again."  All of us stopped what we were doing and sure enough, it sounded like he was crying. I went upstairs and into the bathroom to check on him. He was kneeling on the floor with a towel around him and said he could not stand up. He was just sobbing. It mad me so sad. :(    He kept pointing to his hip bone and saying it "really, really hurt!!!!"  I didn't know what to do! He couldn't extend his left leg or sit up straight. I helped him get dressed very carefully and got him downstairs. I called our doctor and our chiropractor. While I was waiting on a call back from one of them, he was able to extend his leg and sit up. I was sure he had a muscle spasm, and it was affecting his leg and back.

Our chiropractor was the first to call back, and she said it sounded like a muscle spasm and to put ice on it. Luckily I had an appointment already scheduled for this afternoon, so she said she would look at him then.  Our doctor's office also called back and they thought maybe it was a virus that had settled in his hip joint. They wanted me to check him for a fever. I said, "He does not have a fever. I am not even going to check!"  He was back to normal within 20 minutes! So weird!

After our morning drama and not getting much done, we had lunch and went back to the books a little bit in the afternoon.

At 3 pm this afternoon, Courtney had tryouts for a middle school play that she wants to be in. While she was there, I took myself and Christian to the chiropractor. She checked Christian out and said he was still SUPER tight on his left side. She definitely thinks it had something to do with his muscles. We both got adjusted, and we were on our way.

I had plans to go to Sam's during this time, but since I spent so much time at the chiropractor, I ran out of time before I had to go back and get Courtney. Instead I decided to take the kids over to Barnes and Nobles. The boys love the train table there and Megan just loves books. (A kid after my own heart!) The boys had about twenty minutes to play, and they kept fighting and fighting! UGH! Finally it was time to go, and I just picked up Micah and said we were done. He was not leaving that place without a fight! He screamed the entire way out the door! Of course, Megan had found herself a book she wanted, so I made her stand in line by herself while I took the boys out. She said the people in front of her were making comments about the screaming kid! I asked her if she said it was her brother or not. She didn't!

After the bookstore, we headed to Pepperjax to get dinner. Matt picked Courtney up from the play rehearsal, and we had a nice peaceful dinner that I did not have to cook. :)

We ended our day with a worship night at church. It was pretty cool! I love watching our junior and senior high kids raise their hands and worship God! This is our next generation coming up in the church and my child is up there with her hands raised too! Makes this mama proud!

Now instead of staying up and grading papers and preparing for tomorrow, I am writing this all out on my blog! Tomorrow may just be another crazy day. I think we are going to start with "Operation Clean the House." It is getting a little bit out of control!!

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