Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Have I ever mentioned how much I LOATHE packing the camper?? I love to go camping, but I really despise all the work it takes to load it up! I wish we could just leave it loaded and plugged it in!! But nope. We have neighborhood covenants which say we can only have our camper in our driveway for 2 days. This means we need to unpack everything and move it to the storage facility every. single. camping. trip!!

The thing that takes the most time is getting ready to pack. So weird, I know. I wash all the clothes in the house, so they are all clean and available to take along. I usually have to go grocery shopping too to get all the food we need. This all needs to be done before I can even start packing.

I worked on laundry all day today and went grocery shopping tonight. I still have a few loads left of laundry to do tomorrow, but a majority of it is done. 

The actually part of packing does not take long. The girls can pack their own things and I do my own items along with the boys.

Packing up the food can also take awhile. It helps that I have all the meals planned out, so we should  only take what food we will need.  I usually end up taking a few extra meals. We are going to be gone from Thursday until Tuesday on this trip, so we need to take quite a bit along.

We want to make some granola to take along yet and maybe some cookies. Megan and I will do some baking in the morning. :)

Our goal is to get out by noon, but I am not sure if that will happen!!

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