Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Finishing up school today!

I never really have a plan when it comes to finishing school in May. It usually just falls together and we call it a year! The same thing happened this year!

I wanted  to end our history curriculum, science, writing, spelling, and reading at the end of May and then continue on with English and math throughout the summer. Somehow, all of these lined up this year again, and we are able to finish them this week! Like I said, it always comes together at a good stopping point!

Today Megan is finishing her science chapter with a test. She will pick this back up in the fall. She only got halfway through her science book, so there will be plenty left for next year. The rest of her book is on the human body and she told me there is NO WAY she is going to skip that part and move onto the 8th grade book. She is super interested in the human body! Actually, she has told me that she wants to keep doing science all summer. She does it independently, so she can do whatever she wants. :)

We already finished her reading last week. She finished writing a couple of days ago and will have a spelling test today to finish that section.

We are in the middle of a prealgebra section in Math with her, so we will pick that up again next week along with the rest of her English chapter. We are close to finishing her math book, so when we are done there, we are going to skim the 8th grade book over the summer. She is then going to start prealgebra in the fall with a different curriculum. English is going to take awhile to finish over the summer. I don't know how we got so behind!!

As for Courtney, she is finishing up her chapter in math with a math test today, so we are at a good stopping point until next week. She has about 3 chapters left in that book along with quite a bit in English. We will be at these two subjects for awhile!

She is finishing up writing today along with spelling. She finished reading last week.

Christian and Courtney do science together, and they completed their chapter yesterday. We will put that away until next fall. I believe they have four chapters left in their science book.

As for their history curriculum that everybody does together, we will get to the end of week 21 today! We have 35 weeks altogether. We will put this away until next fall and then pull it back out. We should be done with that around Christmas time. I am still trying to decide if I am going to start Megan in a new history in that fall that is more grade level or keep her doing this with the younger two. She keeps begging me for something more challenging! I needed a low-key year this year with Micah, but I think we can step it up next year.

As for Micah, he thinks he has to be entertained the entire time we are doing school! We are finally getting into a routine with him, and now we are done for awhile! He will probably like that!!

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