Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Allergy Trouble

Micah had some allergy trouble last Sunday. I have to be very careful with this kid because he is allergic to so many things!

Every Sunday, we take him to the nursery at church, and they serve animal cookies for a snack. Every time we take him there, I sign him in at his room and distinctly tell the workers that he can NOT have animal cookies. I am pretty sure they are made out of eggs and wheat, which would cause hives. I write it down on a piece of paper, just incase the workers get overwhelmed by all the kids and forget to give him his cheerios. The workers are supposed to check the sheet and make sure everybody can have cookies before giving them out. Everybody has done exactly as they were supposed to until Sunday.

I was sitting in church Sunday and I got a text from the leader of the nursery. "Just to let you know, Micah got a bite of an animal cookie." Apparently the workers did NOT check the sheet and they weren't in there when I dropped him off to tell them, so they didn't get the message.  They were feeding him cookies when the leader of the nursery came by and saw what he was eating.  I texted back and asked if he was ok or breaking out in hives. His eggs were super high on his allergy test, so I figured if there were eggs, he would react.  She responded that he looked fine and was playing fine, so not too worry. I told her when church was over, I would come check on him.

On my way to the nursery after church, this same lady pulled me to the side and said there was only wheat in the cookies and not any eggs. That made me feel better! His wheat numbers were really small compared to his eggs. I went and checked on him and he seemed to be doing fine. I took his shirt off to check for hives and I didn't see any. The area around his mouth wasn't red either!

I told him that he would react within an hour. This was about 40 minutes after he ate the cookie and he was still fine.  He was going to stay in the nursery the next hour while I helped in kindergarten, so I told the next set of workers to NOT give him animal cookies and to continue to watch him. He had never had wheat, so I didn't know what he would do.

So in the end, the people who gave him the cookies felt really bad! The head of the nursery also requested that I get an allergy wristband and put it on him when I check him in. I have asked about this in the past and they always told me not to. I think I might from now on! But I also know he won't react too bad if he gets some wheat!

That same night, we had small group at another person's house and they have three very nice pitbulls. Almost too nice!! Micah also has an allergy to dogs and I have seen him react, so I know it is real! The owners do not put these dogs away during small group. They let them in the living room and everybody pets them the whole time we are there. This makes it really hard for me because I have to hold Micah on my lap for two hours. This is not getting easy to do anymore! As I am holding him, I have to constantly push the dogs away from us. They constantly come over and want me to pet them! About a month ago, we were over there and I had let Micah on the floor. One of the dogs came over and licked him. We had 2-3 hives on his face within 20 minutes!

Luckily, I was able to hold him for awhile last Sunday and eventually I was able to put him down for awhile and the dogs let him alone. I know these dogs are very important to these people, but I wish I could get 10 minutes of time for him to run around on the floor without the dogs all over him!! .

Wheat, eggs, dogs...ugh, what a Sunday!!!

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