Sunday, March 5, 2017

Keeping me humble!

We had a great day yesterday! Courtney and Christian both had their basketball games in the morning, so we were done by 10 am. We had the entire rest of the day to do what we wanted! This has not happened for seven weeks!

We spent the day playing outside, raking the leaves, cleaning the house a little, bike riding, flying quadcopters, etc. It was nice and relaxing!

When I was cleaning out the desk drawer, I found two gift cards to Cold Stone Creamery and the girls wanted to GO! (I am back on dairy, so of course, I wanted to go to!)  I already had plans for dinner, so after dinner, we head out to Cold Stone. It was 7:45 pm.

I was kind of concerned about Micah at this point because he usually starts nursing and starts to go to bed around 8. Of course, he fell asleep on the way there. When we arrived, he did not wake up, so he slept on Matt's shoulders while we all ate ice cream.  We got him back in his carseat and when we got home, I just put him right in bed. I didn't feed him or put his pajamas on. I was hoping he would sleep all night! This was about 8:45 pm.


I went to bed about 10:30 pm and he was still sound asleep.

Around 2:38, I heard a baby crying. NOOOOOO!!! I let him cry awhile because I always think he is going to go back to sleep. He would often stop crying for 5-10 minutes, but then he would start back up again.

Around 3:30, I was wide awake and he was still fussing on and off, so I decided to go in there. He was sitting up in his bed eating his blanket. Obviously he was not going back to sleep!

I picked him up and he immediately wanted to nurse, so I fed him. That settled him down, but not back to sleep. Since he was awake, I decided to put pajamas on him since he was cold. He only had a onesie and pants on.  After he was situated, I said, "Ok, Micah, now what? Are we going to play or go back to sleep?" He looked at me and said, "Ball?" as he looked at his basketball hoop. I guess playing it is!

We played on his floor until around 5:10 am or so. I could tell he was starting to get tired again, so I picked him and his blanket up and sat back in his rocking chair. Of course, he signed "milk" to me and I knew this would get him to sleep, so I nursed him again. He went back to sleep almost immediately and I was able to get him laid back down in bed. I arrived back in my bed at 5:30 am.  Both of us have been up for almost three hours by now.

I was really hoping for 2-3 hours of sleep before I had to get up for the day, but at 6:37 am, I heard the same baby crying AGAIN!! What was going on with him?? I let him cry a little bit, but then had a plan. Matt was already up, so I went and got Micah and took him downstairs to Matt. I said, "I just got back to bed after being up for three hours with him. Here, you take him. I am going back to bed!" He was perfectly ok with taking him for awhile!!

I went back to bed again and around 8:15 am, I hear, "mamamama" and Megan is bringing him to me. It was apparently time for me to get up.

Hopefully we will get some sleep today.

And that is what I get for thinking that Micah is doing a great job sleeping through the night! Just keeping me humble!!

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