Thursday, May 26, 2016

More Skin Troubles!

Along with Megan's eczema and hives and Micah's eczema, I am now having skin problems!! As my doctor said, we cannot catch a break!

I was up early this morning with Micah (5 am) and had fallen back asleep when he did about 7. I slept on and off until about 8:30 when I got the big kids up.

We ate breakfast, which was nothing out of the ordinary. I sat back down to nurse Micah as the bigger kids got dressed and then my hands started tingling. I could feel this tingling moving up both arms! Along with the tingling, my arms were getting very warm. Something was going on!

I sent Courtney downstairs to get Matt. I was pretty sure this was an allergic reaction to something and I didn't want to stop breathing without somebody knowing it!

By the time Matt got upstairs, I was starting to break out in a rash. Within about ten minutes, both of my arms were a little swollen and were covered in a rash! What in the world??

I sent Matt to Baker's to get some Benadryl and I called our doctor. She picked up the phone, which was great! I explained to her what had happened and that the rash actually stopped where my shirt sleeves began. This made her believe it was a contact allergy and then she asked what I had been using a lot of lately. I told her coconut oil. I had been covering Micah in coconut oil every time I changed his diaper. She and I both thought this would help heal his eczema (honestly, I don't think it was doing any good.) She thinks that I was having a reaction to coconut oil! Whenever I am done smearing it on him, I usually rub the excess on my arm and moisten my own skin. :) 

She told me to take some Benadryl and take a shower and wash it all off. She also mentioned to wash any blankets, towels, or clothes that would have coconut oil on them.  I did exactly as she said! I also gave Micah a bath and washed his skin.

Within about 90 minutes, the rash was gone.

I may go in and talk to her anyway this afternoon. She said that coconut oil is becoming an allergen because people are overdoing it. I know we use it to bake A LOT!

She said that people often get a contact reaction along with some other stress factors, such as lack of sleep. I kind of laughed! I don't get much sleep at all! I honestly feel like I run on fumes all day! I have to take care of Micah, keep up on the house, clean the house yet from the garage sale, and get everything ready for Christian's birthday party and Micah's dedication next weekend.  Plus my thyroid is low, which doesn't help any!! I know I could probably get more sleep if Micah got more sleep. I think the key to Micah getting more sleep is to figure out what his causing his eczema. This may be what we talk about this afternoon! If we figure out Micah's problem, then we could probably figure out Megan's problem!

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