Thursday, May 12, 2016

Garage Sale- Day One: Success!

After getting ready for our garage sale all day yesterday, today was the big day when we started to sell our items.  My main objective was to sell the girls' old toys, dress up clothes, and shoes.

Many of their old toys are from the playroom. When we went through the playroom last summer, the toys that they no longer played with ended up in a laundry basket in my room. Some of the bigger items, such as the strollers and kitchen set, got put in the dining room, in hopes of somehow getting rid of them. Today, they all went out to the garage sale! I did keep all the Barbies, Polly Pockets, and baby items.  I do want some girl toys around incase we have girls over, but I want to be able to put them away.

As for the Barbies, anything that did not fit into our "Barbie box," as I like to say, got put on the garage sale. This included a little Barbie house and Barbie car. They both sold today. I did keep the three store Barbie house because the girls still play with that quite a bit. I should add that they do not play with Barbies with the house, but rather Christian's cars!

I also went through the game closet yesterday and pulled out all the princess and Dora games and puzzles. I know nobody has touched any of these in a LONG time! Some of these sold today, some did not. I also washed up many of the girls' old dress up dresses. I kept the ones that they absolutely loved or were pretty important to them (or to me!). The rest I am ok with selling. Along with the dress up dresses, I also put some of the old Halloween costumes out. Unfortunately, only one dress sold today. Many people looked at the dresses, but I may have had them priced too high.

Shoes were also something that I wanted to get rid of this weekend. I dug out all the old shoes that no longer fit and\or we don't need. I had kept all the girls' shoes from the time they were babies. Again, I kept the ones that were special, like Megan's "google shoes" and a pair of shoes Matt's parents brought back from the Ukraine when Megan was 3, but other than that, they all went to the garage sale. We sold about five pairs today. The kids could not believe that I kept them all! Honestly, when things are put in the attic for years, you kind of forget they are there too! (Until you need more space in the attic and realize that you don't really know why these shoes are still there in the first place!) I tell people that I kept everything from my kids. I just happen to have two boys and didn't need the girls items anymore.

I also still had all their winter coats and snow pants from when they were little. I know it isn't exactly winter season, but I put them out anyway. A few people looked at them, but there were no takers.

We had some interesting people come today. One woman was looking for Junie B. Jones books. I said that we did not have any on the garage sale, but the girls did have some. I looked at them and said, "Do you want to sell your Junie B. Jones books?" Almost simultaneously, they said yes! I knew they didn't really like those books. Both girls ran up to the bookshelves and grabbed three of the books. The lady ended up buying one of them and we put the other two on the garage sale.

Another guy walked up and asked Matt if he had any spare lawn mowers or snow blowers. Matt had recently gotten a broken lawn mower from his brother and fixed it up until it ran. Matt told the man that he did have a spare lawn mower, but was debating whether to sell it or not. He thought it would be a good lawn mower to have Christian take apart, but in the end, he ended up selling it because it was too good to take apart! This gentleman also ended up buying Matt's trimmer for $5. It was also broke, but this guy just wanted to fix it to have something to do! Yay for more room in the garage!

We also sold our inner tube today that we have had for many years. It had a rip in it and Matt is constantly having to bail the water out of it while he is out on the lake. Honestly, I don't like it at all because it hurts my neck so bad when I ride in it. The kids loved it though! We had a couple guys looking at it at the same time (I thought it was interesting how many guys came to our garage sale today!). The person that ended up buying it did not have a jet ski or a boat, but he said a bunch of his friends have them. Now we need to go buy a new tube for the summer!

As the day went on, Matt and I kept thinking of things we could put out. He was up in the attic a few times pulling things out. Courtney had these cute ride-on toys from when she was little and our neighbor ended up buying one of them for her granddaughter. Matt also made a couple of trips to the basement and pulled some things up. It is amazing what you have just sitting around and don't use!

It was rather enjoyable sitting outside today. The girls helped a lot and actually earned about $35 from all of their toys. I told them that if it was theirs, they could keep the money. Matt and I earned quite a bit more because of the mower and the tube.

I am sure we will find some more things to put out tomorrow and Saturday. This may be a yearly thing for me!

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