Saturday, April 9, 2016


I cant believe I haven't been on my blog for almost two weeks! Either not much has been happening or I haven't had time to sit down and write about life!

Here are a few things that have happened in our household:
1. Courtney got her retainer last Monday. Wow, retainers have changed since I was younger! Instead of looking like this:

  Hers look like this:

 Such an improvement! She has to wear it all day for at least three months and then at night for three months. After this, she should start losing her molars and then it won't fit! Then we start all over....

2.  I went to a homeschool conference last weekend for two days and got a nice break from everything at home. I have to admit that the curriculum fair is a my favorite part of a conference! I kind of think we are going to be switching to a new curriculum next year for history, science, and language arts.  We have not been able to get back to Sonlight this spring and as I look at next fall, it looks like it will just be too much yet. As much as I want to finish what we are in the middle of, I do feel we need to keep moving forward and need to get Megan ready for high school in a few years!

A.  Matt and I decided that we need to make the kids more independent in some of their school work and history would be a great place to start. I think I may be going with Notgrass history next year.    I would do World History for the next two years.

B.  I am pretty sure we are going to be switching science too. This may not be independent, but I really want to do something other than life sciences. We have learned a LOT about animals the last few years.  Again, I think we need to dabble in some of the other sciences, such as chemistry, earth science, physical science, or even some of the other sciences before Megan hits high school.

Here are the two curriculums I am looking at. They are both biblically based, so I can teach from a Christian worldview. :)

Answers in Genesis:

Masters Books:

I would be able to incorporate Megan, Courtney, AND Christian into these two subjects. The history and sciences that I am looking at are geared toward 3-6th grade, but I would teach my three kids all together!! Christian picks up so much the way it is, why not add him? (I often catch him answers Courtney's grammar questions even as he is playing upstairs!)

3.  Micah is sick again with a cold, but on a more happy note, he is very close to sitting up by himself!

 Of course, Megan is helping him!

I also really hope he pops some teeth through shortly. This drool is getting out of control!! At this moment, we have drool and snot, so it's just lovely!! And his favorite thing to do is to wipe everything on my shirt!!! No wonder I have so much laundry!

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