Saturday, April 23, 2016

If you can't beat 'em, them join 'em...

Isn't that the saying?? If you can't beat them, then join them.

This was exactly my thought at 3:30 this morning when I heard Micah wake up. I thought I could either fight him to get back to sleep for the next hour or two, or I could just join him.  I fed him and he was wide awake and extremely happy, so I joined him and stayed up with him. There was no way I was going to get him back to sleep! And after struggling for three hours the other night, this was probably the best option. My thought was to wake him up, let him play, wear himself out, and then he will go back to bed easier! And maybe even sooner than if I tried to get him back to sleep when he wasn't ready.

I laid him on the floor to get his wiggles out and went and grabbed one of my pillows off my bed. While he wiggled and giggled, I laid on the floor and slept a little while still keeping my ear out for him.

When he needed more attention, I opened my eyes and played with him. I also put his laundry away and pulled the rest of his 3-6 month clothes out of his drawers while I was up! Might as well do something productive, right??

About 4:45 am, he was starting to slow down, so I fed him and put him back to bed.

I think I got back to bed about 5 am.

Let's see, last Saturday night, I was up until 3:30 am, last night he woke up at 3:30 am!! I am seeing too much of Micah in the morning hours lately!

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