Monday, April 18, 2016

Somebody forgot how to sleep at night!

I admit it, I am a little on edge today. Christian is not behaving very well and it's kind of getting under my skin. It usually doesn't. But why?  Can I blame it on lack of sleep by the other boy??

Micah was sleeping very well for a little bit of his short life. When he was about four months old, he got a cold and his sleep was totally interrupted. He actually ended up back in our room in his swing for a couple of nights! Now he is back in his room AND in his bed!! But I cannot get him back on a good sleeping schedule! My perfect schedule would be for him to go to bed about 10 pm and sleep until about 7 am. He was actually doing this for awhile and it was great! Not so much anymore.

Saturday night was a case in point. We went out to the Fremont lakes for the evening to hang out with my parents and he fell asleep at 9 pm on the way home. I thought, perfect, I can just put him in his room in his carseat and he will sleep all night! HA! Matt brought him in and put him in his room in his carseat. Just as I was getting ready to turn my light off and go to bed about 11, I heard him wake up. I went in and nursed him and got him back to sleep. No problem. This was about 11:30 pm.

Around 1, he was up and crying again. I went in and turned his music and some lights on and let him cry. I really want him to be able to put himself back to sleep on his own!! I let him cry for about 30 minutes, then I went back in there.

When I went in, he was scratching his head pretty hard, so I put some coconut oil on his head as was still crying in his bed. (He still has cradle cap and I have seen him scratch it until it bleeds.) I sat there and just scratched his head for him for awhile. I also rubbed his belly and his chest. He did calm down for a few minutes.  Pretty soon, he had started crying harder again and the massaging was doing no good anymore. :(  I went back to my room about 2:15 am and said in a rather irritated tone, "Matt, I don't know what to do with him anymore! It is 2:15 am and I haven't had any sleep yet!!" He told me to calm down and he would go deal with him for a little bit.

Matt went in there about then and I laid down for a few minutes. By 2:45, I realized there was no crying (I must have fallen asleep in there), so I snuck in there. Matt was sitting in the glider with Micah on his lap. He said Micah was wide awake and they were playing!!  2:45 am is not the time to play!  I mentioned tht we could probably put him in his swing and let the swing get him back to sleep. We have really been trying to keep him out of the swing lately, but we were getting desparate!

Matt put him in the swing and we went back to bed.  Around 3:15, I got up to check on him and he was sound asleep! I turned the lights and his music off and went back to bed for good!

Unfortunatley, less than a half an hour later, I was up again with Christian! He is battling bronchitis again, so he needs albuterol sometimes during the night to control his coughing. I was up giving him some medicine.

That was one long night!!

Last night, Mr. Micah was up until 1 am. I think I had him back to sleep four times before he finally settled down for the night.

Some of this is because he is not taking very good naps during the day and will only fall asleep if I nurse him to sleep. When he does sleep, it is for 10-20 minutes, so he may have a total of an hour worth of sleep during the day. Not good for a 5 month old!

I also noticed that I have had some soy lately and I know this bothers him, so I wonder if I am getting some other things off his list that is causing him stomach aches and therefore, up at night.

I want some sleep!!!

This is this afternoon. Naps= sleeping better at night!

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