Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wierd Pregnancy Dreams

Can I just say I have the weirdest dreams when I am pregnant?

Last night...
1.  I was with a family who left their baby alone for 8 days and she was near death when they got back home. She was still in the same position on the couch of when they left her, but she was completely dehydrated. They forgot her at home....
2.  Another friend's mom was dying in the other room while the son of the mom was giving me organ lessons in the other room.

My dreams are SOOOO weird and they seem to be all about death.   Can I just say that when I was pregnant with Megan, I think I had a dream when I actually was not very nice to Matt! Like I think I was killing him somehow...yikes!! (Good thing I don't remember this dream, but Matt keeps reminding me about it!)

Only 20 more weeks to go of crazy dreams!!

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