Wednesday, June 24, 2015

20 Week Midwife Appointment

We left the house at 8:45 this morning and pulled in at 5 pm tonight! Long, but fun day!

I had an appointment right away this morning with the midwife.  We went over my ultrasound results and of course, she said, "Wow, you have a big baby in there!" Everything on the report was normal.  She also saw that the placenta was anterior, which means it is in the front. She said that the baby's movements may be muffled because of it, but then she added, "not your baby though, he's crazy!" I know!!!

We also talked about my poor round ligament pain that has already started. :(  I told her what has been going on in water aerobics and she does not think it is Braxton hicks contractions, but just a tendon (round ligament) that is hitting cold water without stretching out and it is not liking it.  She told me to stretch a little bit before starting class and warm up a little.  She also said to stand up slowly from a sitting position. Hopefully these little tips will help. We also talked about getting a maternity belt to wear, this helped tremendously when I was pregnant with Christian, so I may try that again! I still have 4 1/2 months left and this baby is already big for his size!

The best part of it was though that my favorite nurse was back! Ever since my midwife went out on her own, she has been trying to get her old nurse to come over from her old office. She finally got her and I was thrilled to see her today!! She said she just started Monday and was super excited to be working with my midwife again!

After my very constructive appointment, we headed to the library, Aldi's, and then to swimming lessons.  After we were done there, we walked with some friends over to Pepperjax for lunch.  Why not? Kids eat free on Wednesdays. :)

We walked back to the gym and spent the last 2 1/2 hours at the pool! Luckily the sun came out after the thunderstorms this morning and we were able to swim.  It was actually hot! I love getting in the pool and cooling off and having the baby weightless!

Tomorrow we will be packing to head off to the Maker Faire in Kansas City for the weekend.  It should be a GREAT time!!

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