Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Water Aerobics and a big baby?

One of the main reasons I joined the gym for the summer was that I could do water aerobics. :)  Ok, and so the kids could swim all summer!

I have gone to water aerobics three times now and each time, I get more tense and my poor pregnant stomach is not liking it. :( 

When I was at my ultrasound on Friday, the tech said she could not get a measurement of something because I was having a Braxton hicks contractions and that needed to stop first.  Up until this point, I didn't think I was having these at all, but now that she has said that, I feel them all the time! And especially during water aerobics!

I had many, many Braxton hicks contractions with Christian and they get really old, really fast!  I know drinking water helps, but if I drink water, then I have to use the restroom all the time. This is not fun in the middle of an exercise class!

I am going to see my midwife tomorrow for my 20 week checkup. She will go over my ultrasound results and I am going to ask her if I should continue to do water aerobics and just deal with the tension or stop.  I don't even feel like I am getting a good workout because my stomach is so tight almost the whole hour and then it makes the rest of myself tighten up.

I also wonder what my midwife is going to say about the size of my baby. He is measuring a week ahead of where he is supposed to be.  His feet and his femur were both three centimeters long last week! Every body part they measured was a week ahead. He was already 13 ounces and that is the size of a baby who is 21 weeks gestation, not 20! I know there is a variance in babies and I could just be having a big baby! This may explain why I eat all the time. :)

I have also grown out of many more regular clothes and am having to transition to more maternity clothes! I had to go shopping again yesterday because I only have a few things that fit. I don't want to spend a lot of money on baby #4!

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