Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last Minute Decision!

Yikes! I had everything planned out for school this morning and things did not go as planned!  I knew in order to get through everything, we would need to start right away in the morning and work until about 3 in the afternoon.

I really should have known better.  Nobody got to bed last night until about 10 and therefore, nobody was ready to get up this morning, not even myself!! We got a late start and after a few phone calls, we were not all ready for the day until 9:45! I usually try to start at 9! (Ok, I admit, it is hard to stay motivated when every other school is out for the summer and the sun is shining!)

After this all happened and I looked at the schedule for the next two weeks, I made a decision that we were going to stop where we are with our Sonlight materials. We are just go forward with math, spelling, and English for the next two weeks.  There is soo much to Sonlight! I feel that if I started today, I would need to finish the week's worth of lesson plans. The more I looked at my schedule, the more I figured that it was NOT going to happen!

I sat down with each girl and talked about this and tried to get their thoughts.  Of course, they agreed with me! Who wouldn't want to get out of schoolwork??  They know we have to finish up our assignments from last week and maybe finish a few books, but other than that, they were good with the plan! They know we need to finish math, English, and spelling before they can "officially" pass into the next grade.

Wow, that relieves some stress! Now onto planning Christian's party and finding some maternity clothes. :)

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