Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I might do that again!

We have needed groceries for about a week now. Every time I wanted to go get them, something came up. Yesterday, we were getting desperate. No fresh fruit, no fresh vegetables, no cereal, no milk, no eggs, no canned fruit, no frozen vegetables, etc.  I was beginning to wonder what my family was going to eat for breakfast.

As I was looking at our weekly schedule, I was trying to figure in a two hour grocery trip.  (This is usually how long it takes when I have so much to get! )  I wasn't seeing many open hours in the schedule. We have school, learning center, dance, church, plus a couple other appointments this week along with a birthday party. I was kind of running out of options.

Last night, we got invited to attend a piano recital of two of my girls' really good friends. If anybody knows me, I immediately told them we would be attending! I took Courtney and Megan along and it was at a church really close to our house.  We were done about 8 pm and then I thought, "I should go get groceries! The store would be empty, I only have my two older girls, and I could probably do it pretty quickly."  Matt was at home with Christian.

So we did! We went to Walmart last night after the piano recital! I texted Matt and told him where we were going.  We got to Walmart at 8:20 and I gave myself a goal of having my shopping done by 9 pm.  I had a list that was two pages long and thought this would be possible. 

I was wrong. We were about halfway done at 9 pm! We probably got done shopping around 9:30 and then it took awhile to check out.  Not because it was busy, but because the checker was really sweet and nice (another plus at going at 9 pm) and was just taking her time, which I didn't mind because I had nowhere else to go PLUS there was nobody standing behind me!

While I checked out, Megan helped put bags in the cart and Courtney helped me unload all the groceries. What good helpers!! We were in our car by 10 pm and headed home.

When we got home, Matt and the girls helped bring everything in as I started to put things away.  When everything was in, Matt helped put groceries away too.  By 10:30, everything was put away! WOW!!! (Usually I put away the cold things and leave the pantry items for another time.)

The girls were kind of wired yet and didn't want to go to bed. Courtney actually sat down in the living room and was playing with legos at this time! She told me she wasn't tired!

By 11 pm, everybody was in bed.  Wow!

But in the end, shopping at 9 pm was very pleasant! The store was empty, it was quiet, it was easy to find what I wanted, and the cashier was actually friendly! I might just do that again!!!

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