Monday, July 29, 2013


I usually don't have trouble with Mondays,  but today is not going so well!

1.  We started with school for an hour, which went fine, then I had to get Megan to dance class by 10:30.

We were almost ready to get into the car when Megan says, "Where are my dance shoes?" (She some how lost her pretty dance bag, so her shoes are wherever now!) I told her they were in Christian's bag of toys that I take to dance and as I was saying that, I took them out of Christian's bag and put them on the counter ASSUMING she would come and get them.

Fast forward 15 minutes and we are pulling up in front of her dance studio and I open the door to let her out and she says, "Mom, where are my dance shoes?" I replied with, "Didn't you grab them?" Megan said, "No, you said they were in Christian's bag." I told her back, "I took them out of Christian's bag and I thought you picked them up." Neither one of us had grabbed them! Both of us were to blame! I had to turn around and go back home and get her dance shoes that were still on the kitchen counter! She was about 15 minutes late for class. Luckily we live pretty close to the studio.

2.  After I dropped Megan off at dance class, I had some errands to run at Target and Courtney had a gift card she has been itching to spend.  We got into Target and found out she had $2.90 left on her gift card, so I let her roam around the dollar section for awhile.  After she had picked out three items, we went over to the school section and pretty soon I heard, "Mom, do you know where my gift card is?" I replied with, "Didn't you just have it?" "Yes, but it's not here anymore."  I searched through the cart and my purse and no gift card, so we turned around and head back to the dollar section.  The card was nowhere on the floor and Courtney insisted that she had "put it down somewhere" so I started searching through the shelves of stuff where she was looking. When I was about ready to tell Courtney to put all her stuff back, I found it on a shelf. She really did put it down somewhere, just not where is was supposed to be!

3.  As we were checking out, I had brought along a $3 coupon off some more allergenic eye drops (some day I will get back into my contacts) and of course, I couldn't find it anywhere! Luckily, I had put it in something I was buying and the cashier already had it!

Maybe the rest of the day will go better!

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