Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Candy

I had a whole bunch of candy leftover from making those fun butterflies and frogs last weekend, but I didn't quite know what to do with it. Then I got a great idea! Courtney has to take snacks to preschool tomorrow, so why not make sugar cookies (or buy them from the store), put frosting on them, and let Courtney use all the leftover candy to decorate them?

Sound like a plan to you? It sure did to me!

We spent an hour or so tonight decorating cookies, Courtney sure made some crazy ones! I would love to be at preschool tomorrow when she hands these out to her classmates. I would love to see their reactions!

1 comment:

  1. grandma lu says:
    You are getting more and more creative juices can't avoid it they are happenning!! What fun, I wish I could have hung around and helped with all the festivities!! Sure enjoyed my day yesterday, thanks for being so generous with your time!!
    Love and hugs to you all!
