Thursday, August 24, 2017

A Visit to a Lighthouse

During our second week of vacation, we spent most of it in the great state of Michigan. I have never been there before, let alone known there was an upper peninsula, but it was amazing!!

My friend wanted to go there, so we planned our vacation together there for that week.

We stayed in three various state parks while we were there.

For the last part of the week, we were in the upper peninsula near Lake Superior. While we were there, we visited a lighthouse along the lake.  As much as I love the big cities and all they have to offer, this place was kind of amazing! (Let it be known though that Matt and Courtney did NOT like this place. I will explain later.)

Whitefish Point Lake House along the bank of Lake Superior

I was not too excited about going to the beach, so I took Megan, Kaelynn, Erich, and Christian to the Shipwreck Museum. The rest of the crew went swimming in Lake Superior, but that didn't last long. They ended up getting swarmed by what we called "vampire flies" by the end of the day!! They would bite you until you bled!! They were NOT having a great time. (They lasted at the beach about 15 minutes because the flies were so thick, and then didn't do much the rest of the day. They did not pay to go through the shipwreck museum, which meant they couldn't go through any of the other buildings there either.)

Inside the museum. This is a piece of a boat that was shipwrecked and an example of divers.

Erich and Christian. These are the diving suits they wear to go underwater and look at the shipwrecked boats.

There was also a little building there that told how the coast guard would go rescue people off the wrecked ships. This boat is an example of one they would take out to rescue the people.

Another example of rescue equipment. They would roll this out the beach as far as they could and then throw the buoy to the person in need. They would then pull him back to shore.

Megan and I also signed up to climb the lighthouse.

View from top of the lighthouse. The museum is top left.

This is where the rest of our crew hung out after they gave up at the beach! They continued to get bit up by the flies, but they let us do our thing! (You can see them in the picture above this. They are on the lower right hand side.)

Megan and I and Lake Superior. From the top of the lighthouse! You can see a barge out on the lake.

Megan, Micah, and Miki. Walking back to our cars. Everyone else was more than ready to go at this point! They were tired of the flies. I had a great time!!

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