Wednesday, November 23, 2016

More Allergy Results for Micah!

Micah has been suffering from "something" ever since he was born. We have been through a lot with this little boy!!

Today I finally took him to an allergist to see if I could get any answers.  He had hives from eggs about a month ago and since we are close to weaning, I wanted to have a better answer of what I could give him.

I explained to the doctor that I had not had milk, eggs, wheat, and peanuts for over four years and Micah has never had those proteins. I told him about our experience with eggs about a month ago and we decided our best route today was to do a skin prick test. I have always done IGG testing with our chiropractor and have never done a skin test before. He explained how it works and we decided to go ahead with it.

Before we did the test though, we also talked about his ER visit in August and how he got diagnosed with a banana and strawberry allergy. His opinion was that his numbers were so low that they should NOT have caused that big of reaction! After looking at his picture, he said he had food induced dermatitis and vasculitis and not hives! He said that nobody really knows what causes vasculitis and that he should be in a medical journal because of its rarity! He said I should go back on strawberries and bananas. :)

Soon the doctor left and the nurse came in to do the skin test. She wrote numbers on Micah's back to determine which allergy she was testing, and then she put some little bits of the food on his back and we sat back for 15 minutes. Within 15 minutes, we had hives in 4 of the 8 places!!! I wish the nurse would have told us which pricks were which!

After 15 minutes, the nurse came back and checked him out. She measured the hives and we found out that Micah is extremely allergic to eggs They measured the hives and his hives for egg white was 9 mm wide! His next biggest was egg yolk and peanut which were both 5 mm. His cow's milk hive was 4 mm and finally his wheat hive was 3 mm. He had no reaction from bananas and strawberries!!! This would definitely explain why he broke out in hives when he had a corn muffin with eggs about a month ago. I had no idea he was allergic to the other ones.

The doctor came back in and went over the results. He mentioned to stay off these foods for at least six months and not to eat them at all until I consulted with him first. I asked him if I could eat them and have them passed through the breastmilk to Micah and he said to not do that either! I think it is funny because I had just started eating a little bit of milk and eggs here and there. I guess I won't be doing that anymore!!

The doctor also mentioned coming in and doing a food trial. This is where they give him a minute piece of the food, such as peanuts, and keep adding to it until he reacts. He said the best place to have an allergic reaction is at the doctor's office! I need to talk to Matt about this.

In the end, he said the allergies came first and then the eczema. His eczema has definitely gotten worse lately and I wonder if that is because I have tried some milk and eggs. He has also been eating cheerios made from oats that are not necessarily gluten free. The area around his mouth has gotten redder and bumpier the last few weeks.

I guess we will keep doing what we have been doing. No eggs, milk, wheat, or peanuts for me!

I go in Monday to solve the problem of my hives! I wonder if I will have an allergy too!!!

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