Sunday, November 20, 2016

This shouldn't happen!

There is one thing that should never happen to a mom of four kids. Her dryer should never break!!

Megan had a birthday party yesterday and of course, she had nothing to wear. I wasn't the best this last week of keeping up on laundry, so I washed a load of her clothes and about 8:30 am yesterday, I went to go put them in the dryer. (Her party started at 10 am). I hit the "start" button and my dryer went "click, click" and nothing happened. I turned the power button off and tried it again. It did the same thing. I was stumped and asked Courtney to go get her dad.

In the meantime, I went ahead and threw a load of jeans into the washer.

Matt came in and checked out the situation. We figured out the code and he went online to figure out what went wrong. It was something about a thermostat, but of course, he said to me,"I have two major projects I am already working on today, your dryer will have to wait."

What?? What is Megan supposed to wear?? It was 30 degrees out! She could only really wear jeans because she only had a pair of tennis shoes. (We haven't really gone shopping yet for winter shoes) Well, who says you can't wear sandals and a dress in 30 degree weather?? That is exactly what she ended up wearing!! Sorry Megan!!

After we got her off to her party, I had to focus on how to dry my two loads of clothes. I asked a neighbor and she was very gracious in letting me use her dryer. I got both loads dry and folded!! She also offered her dryer for the rest of the weekend. She said I could continue to wash clothes and bring them over. I thought that was very nice!!

Hopefully Matt can get my dryer fixed today or I may have to take my neighbor up on her offer!

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