Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Homeschooling and New baby

While I was pregnant, I got these two remarks all the time.

1.  Are you done having children now?
2.  You have a "perfect" family.

I rarely got, "How are you feeling?" like with the other three.  People wanted to know if we were done having children now that I had a "perfect" family. Kind of drove me nuts  because honestly, I would never ask anybody if they were done having children! And really, would it be bad if we decide to have another?? Just saying...

And a "perfect" family, what if Micah ended up being a girl and I did not have two boys and two girls, would it still be "perfect?"

But anyway, now there is a new comment that people are saying. It's not driving me nuts like these two, but I am hearing it more and more.

When I tell people that I have a baby plus three other children and we homeschool, people say, "I don't know how you do it!"

My response is, "I haven't done it YET!" I have not been able to handle the baby, three other children, and homeschool up to this point. I can't even get a math lesson in!!

I kind of chuckle when people say this!! I hope I can handle it in January!!

Honestly, it's the same kind of shocked look I get from people when I say I delivered a 10 pound kid without an epidural!

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