Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Baby Micah is growing and food intolerances already.

I haven't weighed Micah in awhile. Last I checked, he was about 11 pounds. He wasn't quite back to his birth weight at two weeks, so our pediatrician wanted us to come back to her office weekly for a weight check.  I didn't exactly do that. I weighed him at our chiropractors office instead! They don't have a baby scale, but I figure it was close enough.  We would have Megan hold Micah and stand on the scale, then she would hand off Micah and get on the scale again.  We would then subtract the two numbers and we had a rough estimate of Micah's weight! Brilliant, right??

Even though I don't have a precise weight, he is growing! His 0-3 month clothes are getting tight and pretty soon, I will need to move him up to size 2 diapers. And the kid is only six weeks old!

Along with growing, we have had some minor health problems already. :(  When we went in for our three day appointment, our pediatrician noticed that he is tongue tied. She said it's there, but not bad. She then mentioned that if he has trouble nursing, there is a pediatrician in her office that can clip them. She kind of said if it bothers him, we can clip it, if not, we can leave it alone.

I decided to leave it alone, but last week, he wasn't nursing the best. He was clicking a lot with his tongue, pulling on and off, and just getting frustrated that he wasn't getting enough milk. Then yesterday morning, he was having trouble again and this happened two feedings in a row, so I called the lactation experts up at the hospital.  They didn't help much and just said to watch him. I then called our pediatrician and they said to bring him in to get him evaluated. The nurse also said the pediatrician will only clip them when they are brand new babies, not six weeks old! I didn't know that! The nurse said the tie is really thin at that moment, but now it's thicker and would hurt more. Because it's the end of the year and this would be a regular doctor appointment, I am going to take Micah in tomorrow and get him evaluated. If the doctor thinks he needs it clipped, then we will be referred to an ENT. I wish I would have known that! I probably would have had it clipped when he was a newborn!

But after those two frustrating feedings, he ate great the rest of the day! He is also peeing and pooping just fine and growing, so obviously he is getting enough to eat!

We also may have some food intolerances going on in the little guy. I noticed last week that he had mucus in his stool, which means there is inflammation going on somewhere. :(  The more I thought about it, he has been hoarse lately, which means he probably has some reflux going on along with some spitting up.  He has been fussy and also has had some diaper rash lately.

I asked my chiropractor about it and her first thought was that he is MSPI (Milk, soy protein intolerant). I haven't drank milk in four years, so that shouldn't be an issue. I have been eating soy, so I took that out last week. I was just eating those yummy gluten free crackers from Sam's club. :) It seems to help a little bit.

In addition to talking to my chiropractor, I mentioned this to the nurse yesterday and she wants me to bring in a stool sample tomorrow and get it tested for MSPI. She said there is a ph test they can do.  I told her about three times that I haven't had milk in four years, but she kept insisting I get this tested anyway. Fine, but only because it is the end of the year and everything is covered 90%!  I asked her if he could be allergic to milk even if I don't drink it and she said yes. I agree, but in order to have a reaction, I have to drink it! I just feel like I argue with the medical establishment all the time!

This morning our chiropractor called and she got Megan's food intolerance test back  I am going to go in this afternoon and get the results and while I am there, I am also going to get Micah tested for food intolerance. Again, I would like to get this all done before the end of the year!

I was really hoping we could avoid food problems with Micah, but he is already reacting by six weeks of age. I hope we can figure out what his problem is and then I may have a more content baby. :) This may help when I have to get the older three back to school in a few weeks.

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